Feature #5731 2014-02-24 20:27


Find Files in search path

The FindReplace dialog has a textbox for the search path. It is a minor snag but it would be nice if it was a combobox so can support multiple search paths, and remembers your previous entries.

I have a few search paths I like to use to help narrow the search and speed it up, so would be helpful to not have to keep re-entering them.

Many IDEs (e.g. Netbeans) will have a combobox instead of textbox.

Suggested Code Changes

1) Change the search path textbox ("txtSearchPath") to a combobox ("cmbSearchPath").

2) Store the search masks in the ConfigManager under key "search_path" (which is now a string array).

3) Added migration for old config setting ("search_path") to new key "search_paths".

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davidallen 2014-02-24 20:32

Note: I raised a similar request # 005693 related to the search masks.... I will try and create a similar fix for this new request #005731

davidallen 2014-02-25 20:59

Patch # 0003555 submitted to address this feature request.

Thanks, David