Feature #5693 2013-10-10 15:43


FindReplace dlg + multiple search masks

The FindReplace dialog has a textbox for the search masks. It is a minor snag but it would be better as a combobox so can support multiple search masks.

I often find that I use file masks that are fairly long (e.g. "*.cpp; *.h; *.c; *.hpp; *.txt; *.xml"). I tend to use several masks like this, and therefore it is awkward to keep adjusting them in the textbox on the findreplacedlg.cpp. Many IDEs (e.g. Netbeans) will have a combobox instead of textbox.

Suggested Code Changes ------------------------------------- 1) Change the search masks textbox ("txtSearchMasks") to a combobox ("cmbSearchMasks"). 2) Store the search masks in the ConfigManager under key "search_masks" (which is now a string array). 3) Added migration for old config setting ("search_mask") to new key "search_masks".

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davidallen 2013-10-10 15:44

If this is approved, I actually already have a patch ready to submit...

davidallen 2013-10-10 15:44

If this is approved, I actually already have a patch ready to submit...

davidallen 2013-10-16 07:51

Patch submitted as # 003508