Code::Blocks  SVN r11506
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * This file is part of the Code::Blocks IDE and licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3
3  *
4  *
5  * $Revision: 11457 $
6  * $Id: editormanager.cpp 11457 2018-09-06 10:44:12Z fuscated $
7  * $HeadURL: $
8  */
10 #include "sdk_precomp.h"
12 #ifndef CB_PRECOMP
13  #include <wx/dir.h>
14  #include <wx/menu.h>
15  #include <wx/notebook.h>
16  #include <wx/settings.h>
17  #include <wx/splitter.h>
18  #include <wx/xrc/xmlres.h>
20  #include "cbeditor.h"
21  #include "cbproject.h"
22  #include "compiler.h"
23  #include "compilerfactory.h"
24  #include "configmanager.h"
25  #include "editormanager.h" // class's header file
26  #include "filemanager.h"
27  #include "logmanager.h"
28  #include "macrosmanager.h"
29  #include "manager.h"
30  #include "pluginmanager.h"
31  #include "projectbuildtarget.h"
32  #include "projectmanager.h"
33  #include "sdk_events.h"
34 #endif
36 #include "annoyingdialog.h"
37 #include "cbstyledtextctrl.h"
38 #include "cbcolourmanager.h"
40 #include <wx/bmpbuttn.h>
41 #include <wx/progdlg.h>
42 #include <wx/tokenzr.h>
44 #include "cbauibook.h"
45 #include "editorcolourset.h"
46 #include "confirmreplacedlg.h"
47 #include "filefilters.h"
48 #include "projectfileoptionsdlg.h"
49 #include "filegroupsandmasks.h"
51 template<> EditorManager* Mgr<EditorManager>::instance = nullptr;
52 template<> bool Mgr<EditorManager>::isShutdown = false;
58 // static
61 // needed for initialization of variables
62 inline int cbRegisterId(int id)
63 {
64  wxRegisterId(id);
65  return id;
66 }
68 static const int idNBTabSplitHorz = wxNewId();
69 static const int idNBTabSplitVert = wxNewId();
70 static const int idNBTabUnsplit = wxNewId();
71 static const int idNBTabClose = wxNewId();
72 static const int idNBTabCloseAll = wxNewId();
73 static const int idNBTabCloseAllOthers = wxNewId();
74 static const int idNBTabCloseToTheLeft = wxNewId();
75 static const int idNBTabCloseToTheRight = wxNewId();
76 static const int idNBTabSave = wxNewId();
77 static const int idNBTabSaveAll = wxNewId();
78 static const int idNBSwapHeaderSource = wxNewId();
79 static const int idNBTabOpenContainingFolder = wxNewId();
80 static const int idNBTabTop = wxNewId();
81 static const int idNBTabBottom = wxNewId();
82 static const int idNBProperties = wxNewId();
83 static const int idNBAddFileToProject = wxNewId();
84 static const int idNBRemoveFileFromProject = wxNewId();
85 static const int idNBShowFileInTree = wxNewId();
87 // The following lines reserve 255 consecutive id's
88 static const int EditorMaxSwitchTo = 255;
89 static const int idNBSwitchFile1 = wxNewId();
100 {
101  /* Methods */
104  : m_pOwner(owner)
105  {}
107  /* Static data */
111 };
113 // *********** End of EditorManagerInternalData **********
116 BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(EditorManager, wxEvtHandler)
119  EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED(ID_NBEditorManager, EditorManager::OnPageChanged)
120  EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING(ID_NBEditorManager, EditorManager::OnPageChanging)
121  EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSE(ID_NBEditorManager, EditorManager::OnPageClose)
122  EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_UP(ID_NBEditorManager, EditorManager::OnPageContextMenu)
146  : m_pNotebook(nullptr),
147  m_pNotebookStackHead(new cbNotebookStack),
148  m_pNotebookStackTail(m_pNotebookStackHead),
149  m_nNotebookStackSize(0),
150  m_isCheckingForExternallyModifiedFiles(false)
151 {
152  m_pData = new EditorManagerInternalData(this);
154  m_pNotebook = new cbAuiNotebook(Manager::Get()->GetAppWindow(), ID_NBEditorManager, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
157  if (Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("app"))->ReadBool(_T("/environment/editor_tabs_bottom"), false))
158  m_pNotebook->SetWindowStyleFlag(m_pNotebook->GetWindowStyleFlag() | wxAUI_NB_BOTTOM);
160  Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(_T("Initialize EditColourSet ....."));
161  m_Theme = new EditorColourSet(Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("editor"))->Read(_T("/colour_sets/active_colour_set"), COLORSET_DEFAULT));
162  Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(_T("Initialize EditColourSet: done."));
164  Manager::Get()->GetAppWindow()->PushEventHandler(this);
166  m_Zoom = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("editor"))->ReadInt(_T("/zoom"));
172  colours->RegisterColour(_("Editor"), _("Caret"), wxT("editor_caret"), *wxBLACK);
173  colours->RegisterColour(_("Editor"), _("Right margin"), wxT("editor_gutter"), *wxLIGHT_GREY);
174  colours->RegisterColour(_("Editor"), _("Line numbers foreground colour"), wxT("editor_linenumbers_fg"),
176  colours->RegisterColour(_("Editor"), _("Line numbers background colour"), wxT("editor_linenumbers_bg"),
179  // These two are taken from Platform::Chrome() and Platform::ChromeHightlight()
180  colours->RegisterColour(_("Editor"), _("Margin chrome colour"), wxT("editor_margin_chrome"),
182  colours->RegisterColour(_("Editor"), _("Margin chrome highlight colour"), wxT("editor_margin_chrome_highlight"),
184  colours->RegisterColour(_("Editor"), _("Whitespace"), wxT("editor_whitespace"), wxColor(195, 195, 195));
185 }
188 {
189  DeleteNotebookStack();
190  delete m_pNotebookStackHead;
191  delete m_Theme;
192  delete m_pData;
193  Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("editor"))->Write(_T("/zoom"), m_Zoom);
194 }
197 {
198  bool found = false;
199  wxWindow* wnd;
200  cbNotebookStack* body;
201  cbNotebookStack* prev_body;
203  while (m_nNotebookStackSize != m_pNotebook->GetPageCount()) // Sync stack with Notebook
204  {
205  if (m_nNotebookStackSize < m_pNotebook->GetPageCount())
206  {
207  for (size_t i = 0; i<m_pNotebook->GetPageCount(); ++i)
208  {
209  wnd = m_pNotebook->GetPage(i);
210  found = false;
211  for (body = m_pNotebookStackHead->next; body != NULL; body = body->next)
212  {
213  if (wnd == body->window)
214  {
215  found = true;
216  break;
217  }
218  }
219  if (!found)
220  {
221  m_pNotebookStackTail->next = new cbNotebookStack(wnd);
222  m_pNotebookStackTail = m_pNotebookStackTail->next;
223  ++m_nNotebookStackSize;
224  }
225  }
226  }
227  if (m_nNotebookStackSize > m_pNotebook->GetPageCount())
228  {
229  for (prev_body = m_pNotebookStackHead, body = prev_body->next; body != NULL; prev_body = body, body = body->next)
230  {
231  if (m_pNotebook->GetPageIndex(body->window) == wxNOT_FOUND)
232  {
233  prev_body->next = body->next;
234  delete body;
235  --m_nNotebookStackSize;
236  body = prev_body;
237  }
238  }
239  }
240  }
242  return m_pNotebookStackHead->next;
243 }
246 {
247  cbNotebookStack* tmp;
248  while(m_pNotebookStackHead->next)
249  {
250  tmp = m_pNotebookStackHead->next;
251  m_pNotebookStackHead->next = tmp->next;
252  delete tmp;
253  }
254  m_pNotebookStackTail = m_pNotebookStackHead;
255  m_nNotebookStackSize = 0;
256 }
259 {
260  DeleteNotebookStack();
261  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pNotebook->GetPageCount(); ++i)
262  {
263  m_pNotebookStackTail->next = new cbNotebookStack(m_pNotebook->GetPage(i));
264  m_pNotebookStackTail = m_pNotebookStackTail->next;
265  ++m_nNotebookStackSize;
266  }
267 }
270 {
271  // tell all open editors to re-create their styles
272  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pNotebook->GetPageCount(); ++i)
273  {
274  cbEditor* ed = InternalGetBuiltinEditor(i);
275  if (ed)
276  {
277  bool saveSuccess = ed->SaveFoldState(); //First Save the old fold levels
278  ed->SetEditorStyle();
279  if (saveSuccess)
280  {
281  ed->FixFoldState(); //Compare old fold levels with new and change the bugs
282  }
283  }
284  }
285 }
288 {
289  return m_pNotebook->GetPageCount();
290 }
293 {
294  if (page >= 0 && page < (int)m_pNotebook->GetPageCount())
295  {
296  return static_cast<EditorBase*>(m_pNotebook->GetPage(page));
297  }
298  return nullptr;
299 }
302 {
303  EditorBase* eb = InternalGetEditorBase(page);
304  if (eb && eb->IsBuiltinEditor())
305  return (cbEditor*)eb;
306  return nullptr;
307 }
310 {
311  return eb && eb->IsBuiltinEditor() ? (cbEditor*)eb : nullptr;
312 }
315 {
316  wxString uFilename = UnixFilename(realpath(filename));
317  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pNotebook->GetPageCount(); ++i)
318  {
319  EditorBase* eb = InternalGetEditorBase(i);
320  if (!eb)
321  continue;
322  wxString fname = eb->GetFilename();
324  // MSW must use case-insensitive comparison
325  if (fname.IsSameAs(uFilename, platform::windows == false) || fname.IsSameAs(g_EditorModified + uFilename, platform::windows == false))
326  return eb;
327  }
329  return NULL;
330 }
333 {
334  return InternalGetEditorBase(index);
335 }
338 {
339  if (m_Theme)
340  delete m_Theme;
342  // copy locally
343  m_Theme = new EditorColourSet(*theme);
345  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pNotebook->GetPageCount(); ++i)
346  {
347  cbEditor* ed = InternalGetBuiltinEditor(i);
348  if (ed)
349  ed->SetColourSet(m_Theme);
350  }
351 }
353 cbEditor* EditorManager::Open(const wxString& filename, int pos, ProjectFile* data)
354 {
355  return Open(nullptr, filename, pos, data);
356 }
358 cbEditor* EditorManager::Open(LoaderBase* fileLdr, const wxString& filename, int /*pos*/, ProjectFile* data)
359 {
360  bool can_updateui = !GetActiveEditor() || !Manager::Get()->GetProjectManager()->IsLoading();
361  wxFileName fn(realpath(filename));
363  wxString fname = UnixFilename(fn.GetFullPath());
364  // Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog("Trying to open '%s'", fname.c_str());
365  if (!wxFileExists(fname))
366  return nullptr;
367  // Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog("File exists '%s'", fname.c_str());
369  // disallow application shutdown while opening files
370  // WARNING: remember to set it to true, when exiting this function!!!
371  s_CanShutdown = false;
373  EditorBase* eb = IsOpen(fname);
374  cbEditor* ed = nullptr;
375  if (eb)
376  {
377  if (eb->IsBuiltinEditor())
378  {
379  ed = (cbEditor*)eb;
380  }
381  else
382  {
383  s_CanShutdown = true;
384  return nullptr; // is open but not a builtin editor
385  }
386  }
388  if (!ed)
389  {
390  if (!fileLdr)
391  fileLdr = Manager::Get()->GetFileManager()->Load(filename);
392  if (fileLdr)
393  {
394  ed = new cbEditor(m_pNotebook, fileLdr, fname, m_Theme);
395  if (ed->IsOK())
396  AddEditorBase(ed);
397  else
398  {
399  ed->Destroy();
400  ed = nullptr;
401  }
402  }
403  }
405  // check for ProjectFile
406  if (ed && !ed->GetProjectFile())
407  {
408  // First checks if we're already being passed a ProjectFile as a parameter
409  if (data)
410  Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(_T("Project data set for ") + data->file.GetFullPath());
411  else
412  Manager::Get()->GetProjectManager()->FindProjectForFile(ed->GetFilename(), &data, false, false);
413  if (data)
414  ed->SetProjectFile(data,true);
415  }
417  if (can_updateui)
418  {
419  if (ed)
420  {
421  SetActiveEditor(ed); // fires the cbEVT_EDITOR_ACTIVATED event
422  ed->GetControl()->SetFocus();
423  }
424  }
426  // we 're done
427  s_CanShutdown = true;
429  return ed;
430 }
433 {
434  if (m_pNotebook->GetPageCount() > 0)
435  {
436  return InternalGetEditorBase(m_pNotebook->GetSelection());
437  }
438  return nullptr;
439 }
442 {
443  m_pNotebook->AdvanceSelection(true);
444 }
447 {
448  m_pNotebook->AdvanceSelection(false);
449 }
452 {
453  if (!ed)
454  return;
455  int page = FindPageFromEditor(ed);
456  if (page != -1)
457  {
458  // Previously the Activated event was only sent for built-in editors, which makes no sense
459  int sel = m_pNotebook->GetSelection();
460  m_pNotebook->SetSelection(page);
461  EditorBase* eb_old = nullptr;
462  if (sel>=0)
463  eb_old = static_cast<EditorBase*>(m_pNotebook->GetPage(sel));
465  CodeBlocksEvent evt(cbEVT_EDITOR_SWITCHED, -1, nullptr, ed, nullptr, eb_old);
468  CodeBlocksEvent evt2(cbEVT_EDITOR_ACTIVATED, -1, nullptr, ed);
470  }
472  if (ed->IsBuiltinEditor())
473  static_cast<cbEditor*>(ed)->GetControl()->SetFocus();
474 }
477 {
478 // wxString old_title = Manager::Get()->GetAppWindow()->GetTitle(); // Fix for Bug #1389450
479  // create a dummy file
480  if (!newFileName.IsEmpty() && !wxFileExists(newFileName) && wxDirExists(wxPathOnly(newFileName)))
481  {
482  wxFile f(newFileName, wxFile::write);
483  if (!f.IsOpened())
484  return nullptr;
485  }
486  cbEditor* ed = new cbEditor(m_pNotebook, newFileName, m_Theme);
487 // if ((newFileName.IsEmpty() && !ed->SaveAs()) || !ed->Save())
488 // {
489 // //DeletePage(ed->GetPageIndex());
490 // ed->Destroy();
491 // Manager::Get()->GetAppWindow()->SetTitle(old_title); // Though I can't reproduce the bug, this does no harm
492 // return 0;
493 // }
495  // add default text
496  wxString key;
497  key.Printf(_T("/default_code/set%d"), (int)FileTypeOf(ed->GetFilename()));
498  wxString code = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("editor"))->Read(key, wxEmptyString);
499  // Allow usage of macros
500  // TODO (Morten#5#): Is it worth making this configurable?!
502  ed->GetControl()->SetText(code);
504  ed->SetColourSet(m_Theme);
505  AddEditorBase(ed);
507  ed->Show(true);
508  SetActiveEditor(ed);
510  CodeBlocksEvent evt(cbEVT_EDITOR_OPEN, -1, nullptr, ed);
513  return ed;
514 }
517 {
518  AddEditorBase(eb);
519 }
522 {
523  RemoveEditorBase(eb, false);
524 }
527 {
528  int page = FindPageFromEditor(eb);
529  if (page == -1)
530  {
531  // use fullname as default, so tabs stay as small as possible
532  wxFileName fn(eb->GetTitle());
533  m_pNotebook->AddPage(eb, fn.GetFullName(), true);
534  }
535 }
537 void EditorManager::RemoveEditorBase(EditorBase* eb, cb_unused bool deleteObject)
538 {
539  int page = FindPageFromEditor(eb);
540  if (page != -1 && !Manager::IsAppShuttingDown())
541  m_pNotebook->RemovePage(page);
543  // if (deleteObject)
544  // eb->Destroy();
545 }
548 {
549  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pNotebook->GetPageCount(); ++i)
550  {
551  cbEditor* ed = InternalGetBuiltinEditor(i);
552  if (!ed)
553  continue;
554  ProjectFile* pf = ed->GetProjectFile();
555  if (!pf)
556  continue;
557  if (pf->GetParentProject() != project)
558  continue;
560  pf->editorTabPos = m_pNotebook->GetTabPositionFromIndex(i) + 1;
562  ed->UpdateProjectFile();
563  }
564  return true;
565 }
567 bool EditorManager::CloseAll(bool dontsave)
568 {
569  EditorBase *startPage = GetEditor(_("Start here"));
570  std::vector<EditorBase*> editors;
571  editors.reserve(m_pNotebook->GetPageCount());
572  for (size_t ii = 0; ii < m_pNotebook->GetPageCount(); ++ii)
573  {
574  EditorBase *eb = static_cast<EditorBase*>(m_pNotebook->GetPage(ii));
575  if (startPage != eb)
576  editors.push_back(eb);
577  }
578  return CloseEditors(editors, dontsave);
579 }
582 {
583  for (int i = m_pNotebook->GetPageCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
584  {
585  EditorBase* eb = InternalGetEditorBase(i);
586  if (eb && !QueryClose(eb))
587  return false; // aborted
588  }
589  return true;
590 }
592 bool EditorManager::CloseAllExcept(EditorBase* editor, bool dontsave)
593 {
594  std::vector<EditorBase*> editors;
595  editors.reserve(m_pNotebook->GetPageCount());
596  for (size_t ii = 0; ii < m_pNotebook->GetPageCount(); ++ii)
597  editors.push_back(InternalGetEditorBase(ii));
599  editors.erase(std::remove(editors.begin(), editors.end(), editor), editors.end());
601  return CloseEditors(editors, dontsave);
602 }
605 {
606  std::vector<EditorBase*> editors;
607  GetEditorsInTabCtrl(editors, GetActiveEditor());
609  return CloseEditors(editors, dontsave);
610 }
613 {
614  std::vector<EditorBase*> editors;
615  GetEditorsInTabCtrl(editors, editor);
617  editors.erase(std::remove(editors.begin(), editors.end(), editor), editors.end());
619  return CloseEditors(editors, dontsave);
620 }
623 {
624  std::vector<EditorBase*> editors;
625  GetEditorsInTabCtrl(editors, editor);
627  for (auto it = editors.begin(); it != editors.end(); ++it)
628  {
629  if (*it == editor)
630  {
631  // We want to remove editors we want to preserve opened.
632  editors.erase(it, editors.end());
633  break;
634  }
635  }
637  return CloseEditors(editors, dontsave);
638 }
641 {
642  std::vector<EditorBase*> editors;
643  GetEditorsInTabCtrl(editors, editor);
645  for (auto it = editors.begin(); it != editors.end(); ++it)
646  {
647  if (*it == editor)
648  {
649  // We want to remove editors we want to preserve opened.
650  editors.erase(editors.begin(), it + 1);
651  break;
652  }
653  }
655  return CloseEditors(editors, dontsave);
656 }
658 void EditorManager::GetEditorsInTabCtrl(std::vector<EditorBase*> &editors, EditorBase *editor)
659 {
660  std::vector<wxWindow*> windows;
661  m_pNotebook->GetPagesInTabCtrl(windows, editor);
662  if (!windows.empty())
663  {
664  editors.reserve(windows.size());
665  for (std::vector<wxWindow*>::const_iterator it = windows.begin(); it != windows.end(); ++it)
666  editors.push_back(static_cast<EditorBase*>(*it));
667  }
668 }
670 bool EditorManager::CloseEditors(const std::vector<EditorBase*> &editors, bool dontsave)
671 {
672  if (!dontsave)
673  {
674  for (std::vector<EditorBase*>::const_iterator it = editors.begin(); it != editors.end(); ++it)
675  {
676  EditorBase* eb = *it;
677  if (eb && !QueryClose(eb))
678  return false; // aborted
679  }
680  }
682  m_pNotebook->Freeze();
683  int count = editors.size();
684  for (std::vector<EditorBase*>::const_reverse_iterator it = editors.rbegin(); it != editors.rend(); ++it)
685  {
686  EditorBase* eb = *it;
687  if (eb && Close(eb, true))
688  --count;
689  }
690  m_pNotebook->Thaw();
691  return (count == 0);
692 }
694 bool EditorManager::CloseActive(bool dontsave)
695 {
696  return Close(GetActiveEditor(), dontsave);
697 }
700 {
701  if (!ed)
702  return true;
704  return ed->QueryClose();
705 }
708 {
709  if (!m_pNotebook || !eb)
710  return -1;
712  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pNotebook->GetPageCount(); ++i)
713  {
714  if (m_pNotebook->GetPage(i) == eb)
715  return i;
716  }
717  return -1;
718 }
720 bool EditorManager::Close(const wxString& filename, bool dontsave)
721 {
722  return Close(IsOpen(filename), dontsave);
723 }
725 bool EditorManager::Close(EditorBase* editor, bool dontsave)
726 {
727  if (editor)
728  {
729  int idx = FindPageFromEditor(editor);
730  if (idx != -1)
731  {
732  if (!dontsave)
733  if (!QueryClose(editor))
734  return false;
735  m_pNotebook->DeletePage(idx);
736  }
737  }
738  return true;
739 }
741 bool EditorManager::Close(int index, bool dontsave)
742 {
743  EditorBase* ed = InternalGetEditorBase(index);
744  if (ed)
745  return Close(ed, dontsave);
746  return false;
747 }
749 bool EditorManager::Save(const wxString& filename)
750 {
751  EditorBase* ed = IsOpen(filename);
752  if (ed)
753  {
754  if (!ed->Save())
755  return false;
756  return true;
757  }
758  return true;
759 }
761 bool EditorManager::Save(int index)
762 {
763  EditorBase* ed = InternalGetEditorBase(index);
764  if (ed)
765  {
766  if (!ed->Save())
767  return false;
768  return true;
769  }
770  return false;
771 }
774 {
775  EditorBase* ed = GetActiveEditor();
776  if (ed)
777  {
778  if (!ed->Save())
779  return false;
780  return true;
781  }
782  return true;
783 }
785 bool EditorManager::SaveAs(int index)
786 {
787  EditorBase* eb = InternalGetEditorBase(index);
788  if (!eb)
789  return false;
790  return eb->SaveAs();
791 }
794 {
795  EditorBase* eb = GetActiveEditor();
796  if (eb)
797  {
798  return eb->SaveAs();
799  }
800  return true;
801 }
804 {
805  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pNotebook->GetPageCount(); ++i)
806  {
807  EditorBase* ed = InternalGetEditorBase(i);
808  if (ed && ed->GetModified() && !ed->Save())
809  {
810  wxString msg;
811  msg.Printf(_("File %s could not be saved..."), ed->GetFilename().c_str());
812  cbMessageBox(msg, _("Error saving file"), wxICON_ERROR);
813  }
814  }
816  return true;
817 }
819 void EditorManager::Print(PrintScope ps, PrintColourMode pcm, bool line_numbers)
820 {
821  switch (ps)
822  {
823  case psAllOpenEditors:
824  {
825  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pNotebook->GetPageCount(); ++i)
826  {
827  cbEditor* ed = InternalGetBuiltinEditor(i);
828  if (ed)
829  ed->Print(false, pcm, line_numbers);
830  }
831  break;
832  }
833  case psActiveEditor: // fall through
834  case psSelection: // fall through
835  default:
836  {
837  cbEditor* ed = GetBuiltinEditor(GetActiveEditor());
838  if (ed)
839  ed->Print(ps == psSelection, pcm, line_numbers);
840  break;
841  }
842  }
843 }
846 {
847  if (m_isCheckingForExternallyModifiedFiles) // for some reason, a mutex locker does not work???
848  return;
849  m_isCheckingForExternallyModifiedFiles = true;
851  bool reloadAll = false; // flag to stop bugging the user
852  wxArrayString failedFiles; // list of files failed to reload
853  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pNotebook->GetPageCount(); ++i)
854  {
855  cbEditor* ed = InternalGetBuiltinEditor(i);
856  bool b_modified = false;
858  // no builtin editor or new file not yet saved
859  if (!ed)
860  {
861  EditorBase* eb = InternalGetEditorBase(i);
862  if (eb)
863  {
864  ProjectFile* pf = nullptr;
866  wxFileName fn(eb->GetFilename());
867  fn.MakeAbsolute();
868  Manager::Get()->GetProjectManager()->FindProjectForFile(fn.GetFullPath(), &pf, false, false);
870  bool readOnly = eb->IsReadOnly() || (fn.FileExists() && !wxFile::Access(fn.GetFullPath(), wxFile::write));
871  MarkReadOnly(i, readOnly);
873  if (pf)
874  {
875  if (!fn.FileExists()) // file was deleted ?
876  {
877  if (pf->GetFileState() != fvsMissing) // already asked
878  {
879  // Find the window, that actually has the mouse-focus and force a release
880  // prevents crash on windows or hang on wxGTK
881  wxWindow* win = wxWindow::GetCapture();
882  if (win)
883  win->ReleaseMouse();
885  wxString msg;
886  msg.Printf(_("%s has been deleted, or is no longer available.\n"
887  "Do you wish to try to save the file to disk?\n"
888  "If you close it, it will most likely be lost !\n"
889  "If you cancel this dialog, you have to take care yourself !\n"
890  "Yes: save the file, No: close it, Cancel: keep your fingers crossed."), eb->GetFilename().c_str());
891  int ret = cbMessageBox(msg, _("File changed!"), wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL );
892  switch (ret)
893  {
894  case wxID_YES:
895  {
896  eb->Save();
897  break;
898  }
899  case wxID_NO:
900  {
902  eb->Close();
903  break;
904  }
905  case wxID_CANCEL: // fall through
906  default:
907  eb->SetModified(true); // some editors might implement it
909  break;
910  }
911  }
912  }
913  else
914  pf->SetFileState(readOnly?fvsReadOnly:fvsNormal);
915  }
916  continue;
917  }
918  }
919  if (!ed->IsOK())
920  continue;
922  ProjectFile* pf = ed->GetProjectFile();
923  if (pf)
924  {
925  cbProject* prj = pf->GetParentProject();
926  if (prj && !prj->GetCheckForExternallyModifiedFiles())
927  continue;
928  }
930  // File was deleted?
931  if (!wxFileExists(ed->GetFilename()))
932  {
933  if (ed->GetModified()) // Already set the flag
934  continue;
936  // Find the window, that actually has the mouse-focus and force a release
937  // prevents crash on windows or hang on wxGTK
938  wxWindow* win = wxWindow::GetCapture();
939  if (win)
940  win->ReleaseMouse();
942  wxString msg;
943  msg.Printf(_("%s has been deleted, or is no longer available.\n"
944  "Do you wish to keep the file open?\n"
945  "Yes to keep the file, No to close it."), ed->GetFilename().c_str());
946  if (cbMessageBox(msg, _("File changed!"), wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO) == wxID_YES)
947  ed->SetModified(true);
948  else
949  {
950  if (pf)
952  ed->Close();
953  }
954  continue;
955  }
957  wxFileName fname(ed->GetFilename());
958  wxDateTime last = fname.GetModificationTime();
960  //File changed from RO -> RW?
961  if (ed->GetControl()->GetReadOnly() &&
963  {
964  b_modified = false;
965  ed->SetReadOnly(false);
966  MarkReadOnly(i, false);
967  if (pf)
968  pf->SetFileState(fvsNormal);
969  }
970  //File changed from RW -> RO?
971  if (!ed->GetControl()->GetReadOnly() &&
973  {
974  b_modified = false;
975  ed->SetReadOnly(true);
976  MarkReadOnly(i);
977  if (pf)
979  }
980  //File content changed?
981  if (last.IsLaterThan(ed->GetLastModificationTime()))
982  b_modified = true;
984  if (b_modified)
985  {
986  // modified; ask to reload
987  int ret = -1;
988  if (!reloadAll)
989  {
990  wxString msg;
991  msg.Printf(_("File %s is modified outside the IDE...\nDo you want to reload it (you will lose any unsaved work)?"),
992  ed->GetFilename().c_str());
993  ConfirmReplaceDlg dlg(Manager::Get()->GetAppWindow(), false, msg);
994  dlg.SetTitle(_("Reload file?"));
995  dlg.GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(&dlg);
996  PlaceWindow(&dlg);
998  // Find the window, that actually has the mouse-focus and force a release
999  // prevents crash on windows or hang on wxGTK
1000  wxWindow* win = wxWindow::GetCapture();
1001  if (win)
1002  win->ReleaseMouse();
1004  ret = dlg.ShowModal();
1005  reloadAll = ret == crAll;
1006  }
1007  if (reloadAll || ret == crYes)
1008  {
1009  if (!ed->Reload())
1010  failedFiles.Add(ed->GetFilename());
1011  }
1012  else if (ret == crCancel)
1013  break;
1014  else if (ret == crNo)
1015  ed->Touch();
1016  }
1017  }
1019  // this will emmit a EVT_EDITOR_ACTIVATED event, which in turn will notify
1020  // the app to update the currently active file's info
1021  // (we 're interested in updating read-write state)
1022  SetActiveEditor(GetActiveEditor());
1024  if (failedFiles.GetCount())
1025  {
1026  // Find the window, that actually has the mouse-focus and force a release
1027  // prevents crash on windows or hang on wxGTK
1028  wxWindow* win = wxWindow::GetCapture();
1029  if (win)
1030  win->ReleaseMouse();
1032  wxString msg;
1033  msg.Printf(_("Could not reload all files:\n\n%s"), GetStringFromArray(failedFiles, _T("\n")).c_str());
1034  cbMessageBox(msg, _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR);
1035  }
1036  m_isCheckingForExternallyModifiedFiles = false;
1037 }
1039 void EditorManager::MarkReadOnly(int page, bool readOnly)
1040 {
1041  if (page > -1)
1042  {
1043  wxBitmap bmp = readOnly ? cbLoadBitmap(ConfigManager::GetDataFolder() + _T("/images/") + _T("readonly.png")) : wxNullBitmap;
1044  if (m_pNotebook)
1045  m_pNotebook->SetPageBitmap(page, bmp);
1046  }
1047 }
1049 bool EditorManager::IsHeaderSource(const wxFileName& candidateFile, const wxFileName& activeFile, FileType ftActive, bool& isCandidate)
1050 {
1051  // Verify the base name matches
1052  if (candidateFile.GetName().CmpNoCase(activeFile.GetName()) == 0)
1053  {
1054  // matching case has priority over case-insensitive
1055  isCandidate = (candidateFile.GetName() != activeFile.GetName());
1057  // Verify:
1058  // If looking for a header we have a source OR
1059  // If looking for a source we have a header
1060  FileType ftTested = FileTypeOf(candidateFile.GetFullName());
1061  if ( ((ftActive == ftHeader) && (ftTested == ftSource))
1062  || ((ftActive == ftSource) && (ftTested == ftHeader))
1063  || ((ftActive == ftHeader) && (ftTested == ftTemplateSource))
1064  || ((ftActive == ftTemplateSource) && (ftTested == ftHeader)) )
1065  {
1066  // Handle the case where two files (in different directories) have the same name:
1067  // Example: A project file with three files dir1/file.h dir1/file.cpp dir2/file.h
1068  // If you are in dir2/file.h and you want to swap Code::Blocks will first look if there
1069  // isn't a file.h in that directory, which is in this case and would then ask the user
1070  // to create a new file.cpp in dir2
1071  if (candidateFile.GetPath() != activeFile.GetPath()) // Check if we are not in the same Directory
1072  {
1073  wxArrayString fileArray;
1074  wxDir::GetAllFiles(candidateFile.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME), &fileArray, candidateFile.GetName() + _T(".*"), wxDIR_FILES | wxDIR_HIDDEN);
1075  for (unsigned i=0; i<fileArray.GetCount(); i++) // if in this directory there is already
1076  if (wxFileName(fileArray[i]).GetFullName() == activeFile.GetFullName()) // a header file (or source file) for our candidate
1077  return false; // file it can't be our candidate file
1078  }
1079  if (candidateFile.FileExists())
1080  return true;
1081  }
1082  }
1083  return false;
1084 }
1086 wxFileName EditorManager::FindHeaderSource(const wxArrayString& candidateFilesArray, const wxFileName& activeFile, bool& isCandidate)
1087 {
1088  FileType ftActive = FileTypeOf(activeFile.GetFullName());
1090  // Because ftActive == ftHeader || ftSource, the extension has at least 1 character
1091  bool extStartsWithCapital = wxIsupper(activeFile.GetExt()[0]);
1093  wxFileName candidateFile;
1094  for (unsigned i = 0; i < candidateFilesArray.GetCount(); ++i)
1095  {
1096  wxFileName currentCandidateFile(candidateFilesArray[i]);
1098  if (IsHeaderSource(currentCandidateFile, activeFile, ftActive, isCandidate))
1099  {
1100  bool isUpper = wxIsupper(currentCandidateFile.GetExt()[0]);
1101  if (isUpper == extStartsWithCapital && !isCandidate)
1102  {
1103  // we definitely found the header/source we were searching for
1104  return currentCandidateFile;
1105  }
1106  else
1107  {
1108  // the header/source has a different capitalization of its extension
1109  // use this if nothing better is found
1110  candidateFile = currentCandidateFile;
1111  }
1112  }
1113  }
1115  isCandidate = true;
1117  // may be invalid (empty) file name
1118  return candidateFile;
1119 }
1122 {
1126  OpenContainingFolderData() : supportSelect(false) {}
1127  OpenContainingFolderData(const wxString &command, bool select) : command(command), supportSelect(select) {}
1128 };
1130 #if !defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXMAC__)
1131 static OpenContainingFolderData detectNautilus(const wxString &command, ConfigManager* appConfig)
1135 {
1136  wxString fileManager;
1138  // If the user hasn't changed the command, try to detect nautilus using xdg-mime.
1139  if (command == cbDEFAULT_OPEN_FOLDER_CMD)
1140  {
1141  const wxString shell = appConfig->Read(_T("/console_shell"), DEFAULT_CONSOLE_SHELL);
1142  const wxString cmdGetManager = shell + wxT(" 'xdg-mime query default inode/directory'");
1143  wxArrayString output, errors;
1144  wxExecute(cmdGetManager, output, errors, wxEXEC_SYNC);
1145  if (output.empty())
1146  return OpenContainingFolderData(command, false);
1147  fileManager = output[0];
1148  }
1149  else
1150  fileManager = command;
1152  Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(F(wxT("File manager is: '%s'"), fileManager.wx_str()));
1153  if (fileManager.find(wxT("nautilus")) == wxString::npos)
1154  return OpenContainingFolderData(command, false);
1155  // If the file manager ends with desktop then this is produced by xdg-mime.
1156  // This means that we could use the system nautilus (not entirely correct).
1157  if (fileManager.EndsWith(wxT(".desktop")))
1158  fileManager = wxT("nautilus");
1160  wxArrayString output, errors;
1161  wxExecute(fileManager + wxT(" --version"), output, errors, wxEXEC_SYNC);
1162  if (output.empty())
1163  return OpenContainingFolderData(command, false);
1164  // It is assumed that the output looks like GNOME nautilus 3.20.4
1165  const wxString prefix(wxT("GNOME nautilus "));
1167  const wxString firstLine = output[0].Trim(true).Trim(false);
1168  Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(F(wxT("Nautilus version is: '%s'"), firstLine.wx_str()));
1170  if (firstLine.StartsWith(prefix))
1171  {
1172  wxArrayString versionTokens = wxStringTokenize(firstLine.substr(prefix.length()), wxT("."));
1173  int fullVersion = 0;
1174  int multiplier = 1;
1175  for (int ii = versionTokens.GetCount() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii)
1176  {
1177  long number;
1178  versionTokens[ii].ToLong(&number);
1179  fullVersion += number * multiplier;
1180  multiplier *= 100;
1181  }
1182  if (fullVersion >= 30002)
1183  return OpenContainingFolderData(fileManager + wxT(" --select"), true);
1184  }
1185  return OpenContainingFolderData(command, false);
1186 }
1187 #endif // !__WXMSW__ && !__WXMAC__
1190 {
1191  cbEditor* ed = GetBuiltinEditor(GetActiveEditor());
1192  if (!ed)
1193  return false;
1195  ConfigManager* cfg = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("app"));
1196  const wxString &command = cfg->Read(_T("open_containing_folder"), cbDEFAULT_OPEN_FOLDER_CMD);
1197 #if defined __WXMSW__ || defined __WXMAC__
1198  OpenContainingFolderData cmdData(command, true);
1199 #else
1200  OpenContainingFolderData cmdData=detectNautilus(command, cfg);
1201 #endif
1203  const wxString& fullPath = ed->GetFilename();
1204  wxString path;
1205  if (!cmdData.supportSelect)
1206  {
1207  // Cannot select the file with with most editors, so just extract the folder name
1208  wxFileName::SplitPath(fullPath, &path, nullptr, nullptr);
1209  }
1210  else
1211  path = fullPath;
1213  QuoteStringIfNeeded(path);
1214  cmdData.command << wxT(" ") << path;
1216  wxExecute(cmdData.command);
1217  Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(F(wxT("Executing command to open folder: '%s'"),
1218  cmdData.command.wx_str()));
1219  return true;
1220 }
1223 {
1224  cbEditor* ed = GetBuiltinEditor(GetActiveEditor());
1225  if (!ed)
1226  return false;
1229  if (!pm)
1230  return false;
1232  FileType ft = FileTypeOf(ed->GetFilename());
1233  if (ft != ftHeader && ft != ftSource && ft != ftTemplateSource)
1234  return false;
1236  cbProject* project = nullptr;
1238  // if the file in question belongs to a different open project,
1239  // then use that project instead.
1240  // this fixes locating the file's pair in a workspace when the active file
1241  // does not belong to the active project.
1242  ProjectFile* opf = ed->GetProjectFile();
1243  if (opf)
1244  project = opf->GetParentProject();
1246  // if we didn't get a valid project, try the active one
1247  if (!project)
1248  project = pm->GetActiveProject();
1250  wxFileName theFile(ed->GetFilename());
1251  wxFileName candidateFile;
1252  bool isCandidate;
1253  wxArrayString fileArray;
1255  // find all files with the same name as the active file, but with possibly different extension
1256  // search in the directory of the active file:
1257  wxDir::GetAllFiles(theFile.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME), &fileArray, theFile.GetName() + _T(".*"), wxDIR_FILES | wxDIR_HIDDEN);
1259  // try to find the header/source in the list
1260  wxFileName currentCandidateFile = FindHeaderSource(fileArray, theFile, isCandidate);
1262  if (isCandidate)
1263  {
1264  candidateFile = currentCandidateFile;
1265  }
1266  else if (currentCandidateFile.IsOk())
1267  {
1268  cbEditor* newEd = Open(currentCandidateFile.GetFullPath());
1269  if (newEd!=nullptr) // we found and were able to open it
1270  return true; // --> RETURN;
1271  }
1273  // try to find the file among the opened files
1275  // build a list of opened files
1276  fileArray.Clear();
1277  for (int i = 0; i < GetEditorsCount(); ++i)
1278  {
1279  cbEditor* edit = GetBuiltinEditor(GetEditor(i));
1280  if (!edit)
1281  continue;
1283  ProjectFile* pf = edit->GetProjectFile();
1284  if (!pf)
1285  continue;
1287  fileArray.Add(pf->file.GetFullPath());
1288  }
1290  // try to find the header/source in the list
1291  currentCandidateFile = FindHeaderSource(fileArray, theFile, isCandidate);
1293  if (!isCandidate && currentCandidateFile.IsOk())
1294  {
1295  cbEditor* newEd = Open(currentCandidateFile.GetFullPath());
1296  if (newEd!=nullptr) // we found and were able to open it
1297  return true; // --> RETURN;
1298  }
1300  if (project)
1301  {
1302  // try to find in the project files
1304  // build a list of project files
1305  fileArray.Clear();
1306  for (FilesList::iterator it = project->GetFilesList().begin(); it != project->GetFilesList().end(); ++it)
1307  {
1308  ProjectFile* pf = *it;
1309  if (!pf)
1310  continue;
1312  fileArray.Add(pf->file.GetFullPath());
1313  }
1315  // try to find the header/source in the list
1316  currentCandidateFile = FindHeaderSource(fileArray, theFile, isCandidate);
1318  if (isCandidate && !candidateFile.IsOk())
1319  {
1320  candidateFile = currentCandidateFile;
1321  }
1322  else if (currentCandidateFile.IsOk())
1323  {
1324  cbEditor* newEd = Open(currentCandidateFile.GetFullPath());
1325  if (newEd!=nullptr) // we found and were able to open it
1326  return true; // --> RETURN;
1327  }
1329  // if not found, build the list of directories for further searching
1331  // get project's include dirs
1332  wxArrayString dirs = project->GetIncludeDirs();
1334  // get targets include dirs
1335  for (int i = 0; i < project->GetBuildTargetsCount(); ++i)
1336  {
1337  ProjectBuildTarget* target = project->GetBuildTarget(i);
1338  if (target)
1339  {
1340  for (unsigned int ti = 0; ti < target->GetIncludeDirs().GetCount(); ++ti)
1341  {
1342  // TODO (Morten#5#): target include dirs might override project include dirs, take append/prepend option into account
1343  wxString dir = target->GetIncludeDirs()[ti];
1344  if (dirs.Index(dir) == wxNOT_FOUND)
1345  dirs.Add(dir);
1346  }
1347  }
1348  }
1350  // go through the directories and try to find the header/source there
1351  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dirs.GetCount(); ++i)
1352  {
1353  wxString dir = dirs[i]; // might contain macros -> replace them
1356  wxFileName dname(dir);
1357  if (!dname.IsAbsolute())
1358  {
1359  dname.Normalize(wxPATH_NORM_ALL & ~wxPATH_NORM_CASE, project->GetBasePath());
1360  // Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(F(_T("Normalizing dir to '%s'."), dname.GetFullPath().c_str()));
1361  }
1363  fileArray.Clear();
1364  // find all files inside the directory with the same name as the active file, but with possibly different extension
1365  wxDir::GetAllFiles(dname.GetPath(), &fileArray, theFile.GetName() + _T(".*"), wxDIR_FILES | wxDIR_HIDDEN);
1366  // try to find the header/source in the list
1367  currentCandidateFile = FindHeaderSource(fileArray, theFile, isCandidate);
1369  if (isCandidate)
1370  {
1371  candidateFile = currentCandidateFile;
1372  }
1373  else if (currentCandidateFile.IsOk())
1374  {
1375  cbEditor* newEd = Open(currentCandidateFile.GetFullPath());
1376  if (newEd!=nullptr) // we found and were able to open it
1377  return true; // --> RETURN;
1378  }
1379  }
1380  }
1382  // candidateFile is header/source whose extension does not match the capitalization of the active file
1383  // - open it if nothing better is found
1384  if (candidateFile.IsOk())
1385  {
1386  cbEditor* newEd = Open(candidateFile.GetFullPath());
1387  if (newEd!=nullptr) // we found and were able to open it
1388  return true; // --> RETURN;
1389  }
1391  // nothing else worked, try to find source-source pairs of auto-generated files
1392  if (opf)
1393  {
1394  ProjectFile* candidatePF = opf->AutoGeneratedBy();
1395  if (!candidatePF && !opf->generatedFiles.empty())
1396  candidatePF = opf->generatedFiles.front();
1397  if (candidatePF)
1398  {
1399  cbEditor* newEd = Open(candidatePF->file.GetFullPath());
1400  if (newEd!=nullptr) // we found and were able to open it
1401  return true; // --> RETURN;
1402  }
1403  }
1405  // We couldn't find the file, maybe it does not exist. Ask the user if we
1406  // should create it:
1407  if (cbMessageBox(_("The file seems not to exist. Do you want to create it?"),
1408  _("Error"), wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO) == wxID_YES)
1409  {
1411  if (project)
1412  wxSetWorkingDirectory(project->GetBasePath());
1414  // Create a suggestion for the new file name:
1415  if (ft == ftHeader)
1416  theFile.SetExt(FileFilters::CPP_EXT);
1417  else if (ft == ftSource || ft == ftTemplateSource)
1418  theFile.SetExt(FileFilters::H_EXT);
1419  // else? Well, if the filename is not changed we could possibly
1420  // overwrite an existing file with our suggestion.
1422  cbEditor* newEd = New(theFile.GetFullPath());
1423  if (project)
1424  {
1425  if (cbMessageBox(_("Do you want to add this new file in the active project?"),
1426  _("Add file to project"),
1428  {
1429  wxArrayInt targets;
1430  if (Manager::Get()->GetProjectManager()->AddFileToProject(newEd->GetFilename(), project, targets) != 0)
1431  {
1432  ProjectFile* pf = project->GetFileByFilename(newEd->GetFilename(), false);
1433  newEd->SetProjectFile(pf);
1435  }
1436  }
1437  }
1439  // verify that the open files are still in sync
1440  // the new file might have overwritten an existing one)
1441  CheckForExternallyModifiedFiles();
1442  }
1444  return false;
1445 }
1448 {
1449  EditorBase* eb = GetActiveEditor();
1450  cbEditor* ed = GetBuiltinEditor(eb);
1451  int id = event.GetId();
1453  if (id == idNBTabSplitHorz && ed)
1455  else if (id == idNBTabSplitVert && ed)
1457  else if (id == idNBTabUnsplit && ed)
1458  ed->Unsplit();
1459  else if (id >= idNBSwitchFile1 && id <= idNBSwitchFileMax)
1460  {
1461  eb = GetEditor(id - idNBSwitchFile1);
1462  if (eb)
1463  SetActiveEditor(eb);
1464  }
1465 }
1468 {
1469  EditorBase* eb = static_cast<EditorBase*>(m_pNotebook->GetPage(event.GetSelection()));
1470  EditorBase* eb_old = nullptr;
1471  if (event.GetOldSelection()!=-1)
1472  eb_old = static_cast<EditorBase*>(m_pNotebook->GetPage(event.GetOldSelection()));
1474  CodeBlocksEvent evt(cbEVT_EDITOR_SWITCHED, -1, nullptr, eb, nullptr, eb_old);
1477  CodeBlocksEvent evt2(cbEVT_EDITOR_ACTIVATED, -1, nullptr, eb);
1480  if (Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("app"))->ReadBool(_T("/environment/tabs_stacked_based_switching")))
1481  {
1482  wxWindow* wnd;
1483  cbNotebookStack* body;
1484  cbNotebookStack* tmp;
1485  wnd = m_pNotebook->GetPage(event.GetSelection());
1486  for (body = m_pNotebookStackHead; body->next != nullptr; body = body->next)
1487  {
1488  if (wnd == body->next->window)
1489  {
1490  if (m_pNotebookStackTail == body->next)
1491  m_pNotebookStackTail = body;
1492  tmp = body->next;
1493  body->next = tmp->next;
1494  tmp->next = m_pNotebookStackHead->next;
1495  m_pNotebookStackHead->next = tmp;
1496  break;
1497  }
1498  }
1499  if ( (m_pNotebookStackHead->next == nullptr)
1500  || (wnd != m_pNotebookStackHead->next->window) )
1501  {
1502  body = new cbNotebookStack(wnd);
1503  body->next = m_pNotebookStackHead->next;
1504  m_pNotebookStackHead->next = body;
1505  ++m_nNotebookStackSize;
1506  }
1507  }
1509  // focus editor on next update event
1510  m_pData->m_SetFocusFlag = true;
1512  event.Skip(); // allow others to process it too
1513 }
1516 {
1517  int old_sel = event.GetOldSelection();
1518  if (old_sel != -1 && static_cast<size_t>(old_sel) < m_pNotebook->GetPageCount())
1519  {
1520  EditorBase* eb = static_cast<EditorBase*>(m_pNotebook->GetPage(old_sel));
1521  CodeBlocksEvent evt(cbEVT_EDITOR_DEACTIVATED, -1, nullptr, eb);
1523  }
1524  event.Skip(); // allow others to process it too
1525 }
1528 {
1529  int sel = event.GetSelection();
1530  bool doClose = false;
1531  EditorBase* eb = nullptr;
1532  if (sel != -1)
1533  {
1534  // veto it in any case, so we can handle the page delete or remove ourselves
1535  event.Veto();
1536  eb = static_cast<EditorBase*>(m_pNotebook->GetPage(sel));
1537  if (QueryClose(eb))
1538  {
1539  doClose = true;
1540  if (m_pNotebook->GetPageCount()<=1)
1541  {
1542  CodeBlocksEvent evt(cbEVT_EDITOR_SWITCHED, -1, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, eb);
1544  }
1545  }
1546  }
1548  if (Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("app"))->ReadBool(_T("/environment/tabs_stacked_based_switching")))
1549  {
1550  wxWindow* wnd;
1551  cbNotebookStack* body;
1552  cbNotebookStack* tmp;
1553  wnd = m_pNotebook->GetPage(event.GetSelection());
1554  for (body = m_pNotebookStackHead; body->next != nullptr; body = body->next)
1555  {
1556  if (wnd == body->next->window)
1557  {
1558  tmp = body->next;
1559  body->next = tmp->next;
1560  delete tmp;
1561  --m_nNotebookStackSize;
1562  break;
1563  }
1564  }
1565  }
1567  if (doClose && eb != nullptr)
1568  Close(eb);
1569  else
1570  event.Skip(); // allow others to process it too
1571 }
1574 {
1575  if (event.GetSelection() == -1)
1576  return;
1578  if (wxGetKeyState(WXK_CONTROL) && GetEditorsCount() > 1)
1579  {
1580  wxMenu* pop = new wxMenu;
1581  EditorBase* current = GetActiveEditor();
1582  for (int i = 0; i < EditorMaxSwitchTo && i < GetEditorsCount(); ++i)
1583  {
1584  EditorBase* other = GetEditor(i);
1585  if (!other)
1586  continue;
1587  const wxString name = (other->GetModified() ? wxT("*") : wxEmptyString) + other->GetShortName();
1588  if (other == current)
1589  {
1590  pop->AppendCheckItem(wxID_ANY, name); // do nothing if the current tab is selected
1591  pop->FindItemByPosition(pop->GetMenuItemCount() - 1)->Check(); // and mark it as active
1592  }
1593  else
1594  pop->Append(idNBSwitchFile1 + i, name);
1595  }
1596  m_pNotebook->PopupMenu(pop);
1597  delete pop;
1598  return;
1599  }
1601  // select the notebook that sends the event, because the context menu-entries act on the actual selected tab
1602  m_pNotebook->SetSelection(event.GetSelection());
1603  wxMenu* pop = new wxMenu;
1604  pop->Append(idNBTabClose, _("Close"));
1605  pop->Append(idNBTabCloseAll, _("Close all"));
1606  pop->Append(idNBTabCloseAllOthers, _("Close all others"));
1607  pop->Append(idNBTabCloseToTheLeft, _("Close to the left"));
1608  pop->Append(idNBTabCloseToTheRight, _("Close to the right"));
1610  EditorBase *activeEditor = GetActiveEditor();
1611  wxAuiTabCtrl *activeTabCtrl = m_pNotebook->GetTabCtrl(activeEditor);
1612  if (!activeTabCtrl || activeTabCtrl->GetPageCount() <= 1)
1613  {
1614  pop->Enable(idNBTabCloseAll, false);
1615  pop->Enable(idNBTabCloseAllOthers, false);
1616  pop->Enable(idNBTabCloseToTheLeft, false);
1617  pop->Enable(idNBTabCloseToTheRight, false);
1618  }
1619  else
1620  {
1621  const int pageCount = activeTabCtrl->GetPageCount();
1622  const int tabIndex = activeTabCtrl->GetIdxFromWindow(activeEditor);
1623  if (tabIndex == 0)
1624  pop->Enable(idNBTabCloseToTheLeft, false);
1625  if (tabIndex == pageCount - 1)
1626  pop->Enable(idNBTabCloseToTheRight, false);
1627  }
1629  int any_modified = 0;
1630  for (int i = 0; i<GetEditorsCount(); ++i)
1631  {
1632  EditorBase* ed = GetEditor(i);
1633  if (ed && ed->GetModified())
1634  {
1635  if (++any_modified > 1)
1636  break; // more than one editor is modified -> enable "Save all"
1637  }
1638  }
1640  pop->AppendSeparator();
1641  pop->Append(idNBTabSave, _("Save"));
1642  pop->Append(idNBTabSaveAll, _("Save all"));
1643  pop->Enable(idNBTabSave, false);
1644  pop->Enable(idNBTabSaveAll, false);
1646  if (any_modified > 0)
1647  {
1648  if (GetEditor(event.GetSelection())->GetModified())
1649  pop->Enable(idNBTabSave, true);
1650  if (any_modified > 1 || !GetEditor(event.GetSelection())->GetModified())
1651  pop->Enable(idNBTabSaveAll, true);
1652  }
1654  pop->AppendSeparator();
1655  cbEditor* ed = GetBuiltinEditor(event.GetSelection());
1656  if (ed)
1657  {
1658  pop->Append(idNBSwapHeaderSource, _("Swap header/source"));
1659  pop->Append(idNBTabOpenContainingFolder, _("Open containing folder"));
1660  pop->AppendSeparator();
1661  }
1663  if (Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("app"))->ReadBool(_T("/environment/editor_tabs_bottom"), false))
1664  pop->Append(idNBTabTop, _("Tabs at top"));
1665  else
1666  pop->Append(idNBTabBottom, _("Tabs at bottom"));
1668  if (ed)
1669  {
1670  wxMenu* splitMenu = new wxMenu;
1671  if (ed->GetSplitType() != cbEditor::stHorizontal)
1672  splitMenu->Append(idNBTabSplitHorz, _("Horizontally (top-bottom)"));
1673  if (ed->GetSplitType() != cbEditor::stVertical)
1674  splitMenu->Append(idNBTabSplitVert, _("Vertically (left-right)"));
1675  if (ed->GetSplitType() != cbEditor::stNoSplit)
1676  {
1677  splitMenu->AppendSeparator();
1678  splitMenu->Append(idNBTabUnsplit, _("Unsplit"));
1679  }
1680  pop->Append(-1, _("Split view"), splitMenu);
1682  if (Manager::Get()->GetProjectManager()->GetActiveProject()) // project must be open
1683  {
1684  pop->AppendSeparator();
1686  ProjectFile *projectFile = ed->GetProjectFile();
1687  if (projectFile)
1688  {
1689  pop->Append(idNBRemoveFileFromProject, _("Remove file from project"));
1690  pop->Append(idNBShowFileInTree, _("Show file in the project tree"));
1691  }
1692  else
1693  pop->Append(idNBAddFileToProject, _("Add file to active project"));
1694  }
1696  pop->AppendSeparator();
1697  pop->Append(idNBProperties, _("Properties..."));
1698  }
1700  // allow plugins to use this menu
1703  m_pNotebook->PopupMenu(pop);
1704  delete pop;
1705 }
1708 {
1709  Close(GetActiveEditor());
1710 }
1713 {
1714  CloseAllInTabCtrl();
1715 }
1718 {
1719  if (event.GetId() == idNBTabCloseAllOthers)
1720  CloseAllInTabCtrlExcept(GetActiveEditor());
1721  else if (event.GetId() == idNBTabCloseToTheLeft)
1722  CloseAllInTabCtrlToTheLeft(GetActiveEditor());
1723  else if (event.GetId() == idNBTabCloseToTheRight)
1724  CloseAllInTabCtrlToTheRight(GetActiveEditor());
1725 }
1728 {
1729  Save(m_pNotebook->GetSelection());
1730 }
1733 {
1734  SaveAll();
1735 }
1738 {
1739  SwapActiveHeaderSource();
1740 }
1743 {
1744  OpenContainingFolder();
1745 }
1748 {
1749  long style = m_pNotebook->GetWindowStyleFlag();
1750  style &= ~wxAUI_NB_BOTTOM;
1752  if (event.GetId() == idNBTabBottom)
1753  style |= wxAUI_NB_BOTTOM;
1754  m_pNotebook->SetWindowStyleFlag(style);
1755  m_pNotebook->Refresh();
1757  // (style & wxAUI_NB_BOTTOM) saves info only about the the tabs position
1758  Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("app"))->Write(_T("/environment/editor_tabs_bottom"), (bool)(style & wxAUI_NB_BOTTOM));
1759 }
1762 {
1763  cbEditor* ed = GetBuiltinActiveEditor();
1764  ProjectFile* pf = nullptr;
1765  if (ed)
1766  pf = ed->GetProjectFile();
1767  if (pf)
1768  pf->ShowOptions(Manager::Get()->GetAppWindow());
1769  else
1770  {
1771  ProjectFileOptionsDlg dlg(Manager::Get()->GetAppWindow(), GetActiveEditor()->GetFilename());
1772  PlaceWindow(&dlg);
1773  dlg.ShowModal();
1774  }
1775 }
1778 {
1780  wxString fname = GetBuiltinActiveEditor()->GetFilename();
1782  wxArrayInt targets;
1783  if (Manager::Get()->GetProjectManager()->AddFileToProject(fname, project, targets) != 0)
1784  {
1785  ProjectFile* pf = project->GetFileByFilename(fname, false);
1786  GetBuiltinActiveEditor()->SetProjectFile(pf);
1788  }
1789 }
1792 {
1793  ProjectFile* pf = GetBuiltinActiveEditor()->GetProjectFile();
1794  if (pf) // should be in any case, otherwise something went wrong between popup menu creation and here
1795  {
1796  cbProject *project = pf->GetParentProject();
1799  }
1800 }
1803 {
1804  ProjectFile* pf = GetBuiltinActiveEditor()->GetProjectFile();
1805  if (pf)
1806  {
1808  ui.SwitchToProjectsPage();
1809  ui.ShowFileInTree(*pf);
1810  }
1811 }
1814 {
1815  event.Skip(); // allow others to process it too
1816 }
1819 {
1820  event.Skip(); // allow others to process it too
1821 }
1824 {
1825  CheckForExternallyModifiedFiles();
1826 }
1829 {
1830  if (m_pNotebook)
1831  m_pNotebook->Hide();
1832 }
1835 {
1836  if (m_pNotebook)
1837  m_pNotebook->Show();
1838 }
1841 {
1842  /* Don't process UpdateUI event when the app is closing.
1843  * It may crash C::B */
1844  if (!Manager::Get()->IsAppShuttingDown() && m_pData->m_SetFocusFlag)
1845  {
1846  cbEditor* ed = GetBuiltinActiveEditor();
1847  if (ed)
1848  ed->GetControl()->SetFocus();
1849  m_pData->m_SetFocusFlag = false;
1850  }
1852  // allow other UpdateUI handlers to process this event
1853  // *very* important! don't forget it...
1854  event.Skip();
1855 }
1858 {
1860  if ( !prj
1861  || !Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(wxT("editor"))->ReadBool(wxT("/track_preprocessor"), true)
1862  || !Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(wxT("editor"))->ReadBool(wxT("/collect_prj_defines"), true) )
1863  {
1864  event.Skip();
1865  return;
1866  }
1868  wxArrayString compilerFlags = prj->GetCompilerOptions();
1870  FilesList* lst;
1871  wxString id;
1872  if (tgt)
1873  {
1874  AppendArray(tgt->GetCompilerOptions(), compilerFlags);
1875  lst = &tgt->GetFilesList();
1876  id = tgt->GetCompilerID();
1877  }
1878  else
1879  {
1880  lst = &prj->GetFilesList();
1881  id = prj->GetCompilerID();
1882  }
1884  Compiler* comp = CompilerFactory::GetCompiler(id); // get global flags
1885  if (comp)
1886  AppendArray(comp->GetCompilerOptions(), compilerFlags);
1888  wxArrayString defines;
1889  for (size_t i = 0; i < compilerFlags.GetCount(); ++i)
1890  {
1891  if ( compilerFlags[i].StartsWith(wxT("-D"))
1892  || compilerFlags[i].StartsWith(wxT("/D")) )
1893  {
1894  defines.Add(compilerFlags[i].Mid(2));
1895  }
1896  else if (compilerFlags[i].Find(wxT("`")) != wxNOT_FOUND)
1897  {
1898  wxString str = compilerFlags[i];
1899  ExpandBackticks(str);
1900  str.Replace(wxT("`"), wxT(" ")); // remove any leftover backticks to prevent an infinite loop
1901  AppendArray(GetArrayFromString(str, wxT(" ")), compilerFlags);
1902  }
1903  else if ( compilerFlags[i] == wxT("-ansi")
1904  || compilerFlags[i] == wxT("-std=c90")
1905  || compilerFlags[i] == wxT("-std=c++98"))
1906  {
1907  defines.Add(wxT("__STRICT_ANSI__"));
1908  }
1909  }
1911  defines.Add(wxT("__cplusplus"));
1912  for (FilesList::iterator it = lst->begin(); it != lst->end(); ++it)
1913  {
1914  if ((*it)->relativeFilename.EndsWith(wxT(".c")))
1915  {
1916  defines.RemoveAt(defines.GetCount() - 1); // do not define '__cplusplus' if even a single C file is found
1917  break;
1918  }
1919  }
1921  if (id.Find(wxT("gcc")) != wxNOT_FOUND)
1922  {
1923  defines.Add(wxT("__GNUC__"));
1924  defines.Add(wxT("__GNUG__"));
1925  }
1926  else if (id.Find(wxT("msvc")) != wxNOT_FOUND)
1927  {
1928  defines.Add(wxT("_MSC_VER"));
1929  defines.Add(wxT("__VISUALC__"));
1930  }
1932  if (Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(wxT("editor"))->ReadBool(wxT("/platform_defines"), false))
1933  {
1934  if (platform::windows)
1935  {
1936  defines.Add(wxT("_WIN32"));
1937  defines.Add(wxT("__WIN32"));
1938  defines.Add(wxT("__WIN32__"));
1939  defines.Add(wxT("WIN32"));
1940  defines.Add(wxT("__WINNT"));
1941  defines.Add(wxT("__WINNT__"));
1942  defines.Add(wxT("WINNT"));
1943  defines.Add(wxT("__WXMSW__"));
1944  defines.Add(wxT("__WINDOWS__"));
1945  if (platform::bits == 64)
1946  {
1947  defines.Add(wxT("_WIN64"));
1948  defines.Add(wxT("__WIN64__"));
1949  }
1950  }
1951  else if (platform::macosx)
1952  {
1953  defines.Add(wxT("__WXMAC__"));
1954  defines.Add(wxT("__WXOSX__"));
1955  defines.Add(wxT("__WXCOCOA__"));
1956  defines.Add(wxT("__WXOSX_MAC__"));
1957  defines.Add(wxT("__APPLE__"));
1958  }
1959  else if (platform::Linux)
1960  {
1961  defines.Add(wxT("LINUX"));
1962  defines.Add(wxT("linux"));
1963  defines.Add(wxT("__linux"));
1964  defines.Add(wxT("__linux__"));
1965  }
1966  else if (platform::freebsd)
1967  {
1968  defines.Add(wxT("FREEBSD"));
1969  defines.Add(wxT("__FREEBSD__"));
1970  }
1971  else if (platform::netbsd)
1972  {
1973  defines.Add(wxT("NETBSD"));
1974  defines.Add(wxT("__NETBSD__"));
1975  }
1976  else if (platform::openbsd)
1977  {
1978  defines.Add(wxT("OPENBSD"));
1979  defines.Add(wxT("__OPENBSD__"));
1980  }
1981  else if (platform::darwin)
1982  {
1983  defines.Add(wxT("DARWIN"));
1984  defines.Add(wxT("__APPLE__"));
1985  }
1986  else if (platform::solaris)
1987  {
1988  defines.Add(wxT("sun"));
1989  defines.Add(wxT("__sun"));
1990  defines.Add(wxT("__SUN__"));
1991  defines.Add(wxT("__SUNOS__"));
1992  defines.Add(wxT("__SOLARIS__"));
1993  }
1994  if (platform::Unix)
1995  {
1996  defines.Add(wxT("unix"));
1997  defines.Add(wxT("__unix"));
1998  defines.Add(wxT("__unix__"));
1999  defines.Add(wxT("__UNIX__"));
2000  }
2001  if (platform::gtk)
2002  defines.Add(wxT("__WXGTK__"));
2003  if (platform::bits == 32)
2004  {
2005  defines.Add(wxT("i386"));
2006  defines.Add(wxT("__i386"));
2007  defines.Add(wxT("__i386__"));
2008  defines.Add(wxT("__i386__"));
2009  defines.Add(wxT("_X86_"));
2010  defines.Add(wxT("__INTEL__"));
2011  }
2012  else if (platform::bits == 64)
2013  {
2014  defines.Add(wxT("__amd64"));
2015  defines.Add(wxT("__amd64__"));
2016  defines.Add(wxT("__x86_64"));
2017  defines.Add(wxT("__x86_64__"));
2018  defines.Add(wxT("__IA64__"));
2019  }
2020  }
2022  const wxString keywords = GetStringFromArray(MakeUniqueArray(defines, true), wxT(" "), false);
2023  const HighlightLanguage hlCpp = m_Theme->GetHighlightLanguage(wxT("C/C++"));
2024  if (m_Theme->GetKeywords(hlCpp, 4) == keywords)
2025  return; // no change
2027  m_Theme->SetKeywords(hlCpp, 4, keywords);
2028  const wxString key = wxT("/colour_sets/") + m_Theme->GetName() + wxT("/cc/");
2029  Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(wxT("editor"))->Write(key + wxT("editor/keywords/set4"), keywords);
2030  Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(wxT("editor"))->Write(key + wxT("name"), wxT("C/C++"));
2032  // update open editors
2033  for (int index = 0; index < GetEditorsCount(); ++index)
2034  {
2035  cbEditor* ed = GetBuiltinEditor(index);
2036  if ( ed && (ed->GetLanguage() == hlCpp) )
2037  {
2038  cbStyledTextCtrl* stc = ed->GetControl();
2039  stc->SetKeyWords(4, keywords);
2040  }
2041  }
2042  event.Skip();
2043 }
2046 {
2047  m_Zoom = zoom;
2048 }
2051 {
2052  return m_Zoom;
2053 }
ProjectFile * GetFileByFilename(const wxString &filename, bool isRelative=true, bool isUnixFilename=false)
Access a file of the project.
Definition: cbproject.cpp:1049
Definition: sdk_events.h:252
void ActivatePrevious()
bool CloseAll(bool dontsave=false)
Closes all opened editors.
wxString F(const wxChar *msg,...)
sprintf-like function
Definition: logmanager.h:20
EditorBase * InternalGetEditorBase(int page)
bool CloseAllInTabCtrlExcept(EditorBase *editor, bool dontsave=false)
Closes all editors in the same tab control as the active editor, except the editor passed as paramete...
DLLIMPORT wxArrayString GetArrayFromString(const wxString &text, const wxString &separator=DEFAULT_ARRAY_SEP, bool trimSpaces=true)
Definition: globals.cpp:134
int editorTabPos
The position of the editor-tab for this file.
Definition: projectfile.h:178
virtual const wxString & GetShortName() const
Returns the editor&#39;s short name.
Definition: editorbase.h:58
static const int idNBSwitchFileMax
int GetSelection() const
wxColour * wxBLACK
static const int idNBRemoveFileFromProject
int wxNewId()
PluginManager * GetPluginManager() const
Definition: manager.cpp:444
cbEditor * New(const wxString &newFileName=wxEmptyString)
bool CloseAllInTabCtrl(bool dontsave=false)
Closes all editors in the same tab control as the active editor.
void RemoveEditorBase(EditorBase *eb, bool deleteObject=true)
wxDateTime GetLastModificationTime() const
Returns the last modification time for the file.
Definition: cbeditor.h:185
void OnProperties(wxCommandEvent &event)
ConfigManager * GetConfigManager(const wxString &name_space) const
Definition: manager.cpp:474
bool IsHeaderSource(const wxFileName &candidateFile, const wxFileName &activeFile, FileType ftActive, bool &isCandidate)
virtual const wxString & GetTitle()
The editor&#39;s title.
Definition: editorbase.cpp:144
int ReadInt(const wxString &name, int defaultVal=0)
virtual void RebuildTree()=0
Rebuild the project manager&#39;s tree.
static Manager * Get()
Use Manager::Get() to get a pointer to its instance Manager::Get() is guaranteed to never return an i...
Definition: manager.cpp:182
wxMenuItem * FindItemByPosition(size_t position) const
bool FixFoldState()
Fix fold states by comparing foldBackup with m_pControl.
Definition: cbeditor.cpp:1935
wxString substr(size_t nStart=0, size_t nLen=npos) const
virtual bool QueryClose()
Can this be closed (destroyed)?
Definition: editorbase.cpp:180
bool IsOK() const
Returns true if editor is OK, i.e.
Definition: cbeditor.h:101
Definition: globals.cpp:66
static const int idNBProperties
const DLLIMPORT wxString H_EXT
bool ShowOptions(wxWindow *parent)
Show the file properties dialog.
static bool IsAppShuttingDown()
Definition: manager.cpp:333
size_t length() const
void SetColourSet(EditorColourSet *theme)
int cbRegisterId(int id)
cbNotebookStack * GetNotebookStack()
void CollectDefines(CodeBlocksEvent &event)
#define wxICON_ERROR
void RegisterColour(const wxString &category, const wxString &name, const wxString &id, const wxColour &defaultColour)
DLLIMPORT wxBitmap cbLoadBitmap(const wxString &filename, wxBitmapType bitmapType=wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG)
This function loads a bitmap from disk.
Definition: globals.cpp:1102
bool Reload(bool detectEncoding=true)
Reloads the file from disk.
Definition: cbeditor.cpp:1673
virtual FilesList & GetFilesList()
Provides an easy way to iterate all the files belonging in this target.
Definition: cbproject.h:685
void Enable(int id, bool enable)
bool wxFileExists(const wxString &filename)
wxFileName file
The full filename of this file.
Definition: projectfile.h:126
void RemoveFileFromProject(ProjectFile *pfile, cbProject *project)
Remove a file from a project.
virtual bool IsReadOnly() const
Is the editor read-only?
Definition: editorbase.h:217
void SetColourSet(EditorColourSet *theme)
Set the colour set to use.
Definition: cbeditor.cpp:1620
virtual void ShowFileInTree(ProjectFile &projectFile)=0
void OnAppStartShutdown(wxCommandEvent &event)
void RebuildNotebookStack()
Definition: sdk_events.cpp:119
int Index(const wxString &sz, bool bCase=true, bool bFromEnd=false) const
cbEditor * InternalGetBuiltinEditor(int page)
DLLIMPORT bool NormalizePath(wxFileName &f, const wxString &base)
Definition: globals.cpp:942
static const int idNBTabTop
void Print(bool selectionOnly, PrintColourMode pcm, bool line_numbers)
Print the file.
Definition: cbeditor.cpp:3010
static const int idNBTabSplitHorz
bool GetCheckForExternallyModifiedFiles() const
Get check for externally modified files.
Definition: cbproject.cpp:1628
#define wxCANCEL
bool CloseAllInTabCtrlToTheLeft(EditorBase *editor, bool dontsave=false)
Closes all editors in the same tab control which are on the left of the passed editor.
Definition: sdk_events.cpp:99
FileManager * GetFileManager() const
Definition: manager.cpp:479
void OnAppDoneStartup(wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnCloseAllOthers(wxCommandEvent &event)
~EditorManager() override
int GetZoom() const
bool CloseAllExcept(EditorBase *editor, bool dontsave=false)
Closes all opened editors, except the editor passed as parameter.
virtual const wxArrayString & GetCompilerOptions() const
wxCStrData c_str() const
bool wxDirExists(const wxString &dirname)
wxMenuItem * Append(int id, const wxString &item=wxEmptyString, const wxString &helpString=wxEmptyString, wxItemKind kind=wxITEM_NORMAL)
static Compiler * GetCompiler(size_t index)
void SetText(const wxString &text)
Replace the contents of the document with the argument text.
virtual void SwitchToProjectsPage()=0
Switches the management&#39;s notebook to the Projects tab.
void wxRegisterId(int id)
#define _T(string)
void SetActiveEditor(EditorBase *ed)
Known file types.
Definition: globals.h:49
void OnPageChanged(wxAuiNotebookEvent &event)
#define wxYES_NO
bool Close(const wxString &filename, bool dontsave=false)
void Unsplit()
Unsplit the editor window.
Definition: cbeditor.cpp:1185
void OnCheckForModifiedFiles(wxCommandEvent &event)
cbProjectManagerUI & GetUI()
DLLIMPORT wxString GetStringFromArray(const wxArrayString &array, const wxString &separator=DEFAULT_ARRAY_SEP, bool SeparatorAtEnd=true)
Definition: globals.cpp:122
bool IsLoading()
Check if the project manager is loading a project/workspace.
bool IsAbsolute(wxPathFormat format=wxPATH_NATIVE) const
DLLIMPORT FileType FileTypeOf(const wxString &filename)
Definition: globals.cpp:285
void OnAddFileToProject(wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnOpenContainingFolder(wxCommandEvent &event)
void SetModified(bool modified=true) override
Set the editor&#39;s modification state to modified.
Definition: cbeditor.cpp:861
void OnShowFileInTree(wxCommandEvent &event)
wxString GetName() const
static size_t GetAllFiles(const wxString &dirname, wxArrayString *files, const wxString &filespec=wxEmptyString, int flags=wxDIR_DEFAULT)
void OnPageChanging(wxAuiNotebookEvent &event)
bool OpenContainingFolder()
static const int idNBTabCloseAll
int idEditorManagerCheckFiles
#define wxT(string)
#define wxNOT_FOUND
bool CloseEditors(const std::vector< EditorBase *> &editors, bool dontsave=false)
Closes all editors passed to the function.
Represents a file in a Code::Blocks project.
Definition: projectfile.h:39
size_t GetMenuItemCount() const
size_t find(const wxString &str, size_t nStart=0) const
A generic Code::Blocks event.
Definition: sdk_events.h:20
void RecreateOpenEditorStyles()
void OnRemoveFileFromProject(wxCommandEvent &event)
int CmpNoCase(const wxString &s) const
void OnPageContextMenu(wxAuiNotebookEvent &event)
void OnSwapHeaderSource(wxCommandEvent &event)
wxWindow * GetAppWindow() const
Definition: manager.cpp:424
virtual void SetModified(bool=true)
Set the modification status.
Definition: editorbase.h:73
void OnUpdateUI(wxUpdateUIEvent &event)
static const int idNBSwapHeaderSource
ProjectManager * GetProjectManager() const
Functions returning pointers to the respective sub-manager instances.
Definition: manager.cpp:429
void Write(const wxString &name, const wxString &value, bool ignoreEmpty=false)
virtual bool Close()
Close this editor.
Definition: editorbase.cpp:203
virtual const wxString & GetFilename() const
Get the editor&#39;s filename (if applicable).
Definition: editorbase.h:45
DLLIMPORT wxString UnixFilename(const wxString &filename, wxPathFormat format=wxPATH_NATIVE)
Definition: globals.cpp:228
wxString GetExt() const
Event functor class.
Definition: cbfunctor.h:37
Represents a Code::Blocks project.
Definition: cbproject.h:96
const wxString & GetActiveBuildTarget() const
Definition: cbproject.cpp:1373
void OnSave(wxCommandEvent &event)
Definition: sdk_events.cpp:112
bool wxSetWorkingDirectory(const wxString &dir)
EditorBase * GetActiveEditor()
static const int idNBShowFileInTree
void SetReadOnly(bool readonly=true) override
Set the editor read-only.
Definition: cbeditor.cpp:2574
wxColour * wxLIGHT_GREY
OpenContainingFolderData(const wxString &command, bool select)
cbStyledTextCtrl * GetControl() const
Returns a pointer to the underlying cbStyledTextCtrl object (which itself is the wxWindows implementa...
Definition: cbeditor.cpp:842
Definition: globals.cpp:63
int FindPageFromEditor(EditorBase *eb)
bool CloseActive(bool dontsave=false)
Definition: sdk_events.cpp:82
void AddCustomEditor(EditorBase *eb)
wxString wxPathOnly(const wxString &path)
size_t Replace(const wxString &strOld, const wxString &strNew, bool replaceAll=true)
virtual bool SaveAs()
Save editor contents under a different filename.
Definition: editorbase.h:120
const wxSize wxDefaultSize
const wxPoint wxDefaultPosition
void HideNotebook()
Hides the editor notebook for layout purposes.
bool IsSameAs(const wxString &s, bool caseSensitive=true) const
void Print(PrintScope ps, PrintColourMode pcm, bool line_numbers)
wxMenuItem * AppendSeparator()
int ID_EditorManager
Base class that all "editors" should inherit from.
Definition: editorbase.h:30
LogManager * GetLogManager() const
Definition: manager.cpp:439
static wxColour GetColour(wxSystemColour index)
cbProject * GetActiveProject()
Retrieve the active project.
wxString Read(const wxString &key, const wxString &defaultVal=wxEmptyString)
virtual wxString GetBasePath() const
Read the target&#39;s base path, e.g. if GetFilename() returns "/usr/local/bin/xxx", base path will retur...
bool IsOpened() const
static const int idNBTabCloseToTheLeft
struct EditorManagerInternalData * This is the private data holder for the EditorManager * All data ...
void OnTabPosition(wxCommandEvent &event)
bool wxIsupper(const wxUniChar &c)
const wxString g_EditorModified
Definition: cbeditor.cpp:55
const wxStringCharType * wx_str() const
virtual int ShowModal()
bool Save(const wxString &filename)
virtual bool IsBuiltinEditor() const
Is this a built-in editor?
Definition: editorbase.cpp:209
int ID_NBEditorManager
cbNotebookStack * next
Definition: editormanager.h:53
wxString wxEmptyString
static const int idNBTabCloseToTheRight
static const int idNBAddFileToProject
Definition: sdk_events.cpp:84
bool SaveAs(int index)
static const int idNBSwitchFile1
bool QueryClose(EditorBase *editor)
DLLIMPORT wxArrayString MakeUniqueArray(const wxArrayString &array, bool caseSens)
Definition: globals.cpp:198
void NotifyPlugins(CodeBlocksEvent &event)
Definition: manager.h:183
MacrosManager * GetMacrosManager() const
Definition: manager.cpp:454
void SetZoom(int zoom)
cbEditor * Open(const wxString &filename, int pos=0, ProjectFile *data=nullptr)
void RemoveCustomEditor(EditorBase *eb)
static bool Access(const wxString &name, wxFile::OpenMode mode)
const wxString & _(const wxString &string)
DLLIMPORT void QuoteStringIfNeeded(wxString &str)
Definition: globals.cpp:260
void ReplaceMacros(wxString &buffer, ProjectBuildTarget *target=nullptr, bool subrequest=false)
EditorBase * GetEditor(int index)
cbEditor * GetBuiltinEditor(EditorBase *eb)
int GetBuildTargetsCount()
Definition: cbproject.h:200
virtual FilesList & GetFilesList()
Provides an easy way to iterate all the files belonging in this target.
virtual const wxArrayString & GetIncludeDirs() const
cb_must_consume_result LoaderBase * Load(const wxString &file, bool reuseEditors=false)
Loads a file, once this function is called, the actually loading process is done in the worker thread...
ProjectFilesVector generatedFiles
Auto-generated files when compiling this file.
Definition: projectfile.h:207
virtual bool GetModified() const
Is it modified?
Definition: editorbase.h:67
wxArray< int > wxArrayInt
void OnGenericContextMenuHandler(wxCommandEvent &event)
static wxString GetDataFolder(bool global=true)
void CheckForExternallyModifiedFiles()
Check if one of the open files has been modified outside the IDE.
ProjectBuildTarget * GetBuildTarget(int index)
Access a build target.
Definition: cbproject.cpp:1392
Abstract base class for compilers.
Definition: compiler.h:274
ColourManager * GetColourManager() const
Definition: manager.cpp:489
void MarkReadOnly(int page, bool readOnly=true)
void SetKeyWords(int keyWordSet, const wxString &keyWords)
Set up the key words used by the lexer.
bool SaveFoldState()
Save fold states within a new cbStyledTextCtrl.
Definition: cbeditor.cpp:1920
SplitType GetSplitType() const
Returns the state of split-view for this editor.
Definition: cbeditor.h:95
void Touch()
Sets the last modification time for the file to &#39;now&#39;.
Definition: cbeditor.cpp:1699
void SetProjectFile(ProjectFile *project_file, bool preserve_modified=false)
Set the ProjectFile pointer associated with this editor.
Definition: cbeditor.cpp:885
bool CloseAllInTabCtrlToTheRight(EditorBase *editor, bool dontsave=false)
Closes all editors in the same tab control which are on the right of the passed editor.
bool GetReadOnly() const
In read-only mode?
A file editor.
Definition: cbeditor.h:43
Definition: sdk_events.cpp:83
static const int idNBTabSplitVert
FileVisualState GetFileState() const
bool IsEmpty() const
DLLIMPORT void PlaceWindow(wxTopLevelWindow *w, cbPlaceDialogMode mode=pdlBest, bool enforce=false)
Definition: globals.cpp:1177
wxString GetPath(int flags=wxPATH_GET_VOLUME, wxPathFormat format=wxPATH_NATIVE) const
The entry point singleton for working with projects.
void ShowNotebook()
Shows the previously hidden editor notebook.
virtual const wxString & GetCompilerID() const
Read the target&#39;s compiler.
wxFileName FindHeaderSource(const wxArrayString &candidateFilesArray, const wxFileName &activeFile, bool &isCandidate)
static const size_t npos
DLLIMPORT void AppendArray(const wxArrayString &from, wxArrayString &to)
Definition: globals.cpp:222
static const int idNBTabClose
wxString GetFullName() const
void AskPluginsForModuleMenu(const ModuleType type, wxMenu *menu, const FileTreeData *data=nullptr)
A notebook class This class is derived from wxAuiNotebook, to enhance its abilities.
Definition: cbauibook.h:30
void OnPageClose(wxAuiNotebookEvent &event)
void GetEditorsInTabCtrl(std::vector< EditorBase *> &editors, EditorBase *editor)
Returns a vector with pointers to the editors that are in the same tab control as the passed editor...
void DebugLog(const wxString &msg, Logger::level lv=Logger::info)
Definition: logmanager.h:146
bool EndsWith(const wxString &suffix, wxString *rest=NULL) const
static const int idNBTabSave
wxWindow * window
Definition: editormanager.h:52
void OnCloseAll(wxCommandEvent &event)
void RegisterEventSink(wxEventType eventType, IEventFunctorBase< CodeBlocksEvent > *functor)
Definition: manager.cpp:550
EditorManagerInternalData(EditorManager *owner)
size_t Add(const wxString &str, size_t copies=1)
wxBitmap wxNullBitmap
cbProject * FindProjectForFile(const wxString &file, ProjectFile **resultFile, bool isRelative, bool isUnixFilename)
Return the project which has the file in it, also return the pointer to the ProjectFile object...
cbProject * GetParentProject()
Definition: projectfile.h:93
bool StartsWith(const wxString &prefix, wxString *rest=NULL) const
Represents a Code::Blocks project build target.
static bool s_CanShutdown
Definition: editormanager.h:62
bool Normalize(int flags=wxPATH_NORM_ALL, const wxString &cwd=wxEmptyString, wxPathFormat format=wxPATH_NATIVE)
const DLLIMPORT wxString CPP_EXT
static const int idNBTabBottom
wxArrayString wxStringTokenize(const wxString &str, const wxString &delims=wxDEFAULT_DELIMITERS, wxStringTokenizerMode mode=wxTOKEN_DEFAULT)
size_t GetCount() const
ProjectFile * AutoGeneratedBy() const
If this is an auto-generated file, which file is generating it?
Definition: projectfile.h:201
ProjectFile * GetProjectFile() const
Read the ProjectFile pointer associated with this editor.
Definition: cbeditor.h:123
Definition: sdk_events.cpp:81
void Split(SplitType split)
Split the editor window.
Definition: cbeditor.cpp:1084
Definition: sdk_events.h:254
DLLIMPORT wxString ExpandBackticks(wxString &str)
Definition: globals.cpp:861
static void SplitPath(const wxString &fullpath, wxString *volume, wxString *path, wxString *name, wxString *ext, bool *hasExt=NULL, wxPathFormat format=wxPATH_NATIVE)
bool MakeAbsolute(const wxString &cwd=wxEmptyString, wxPathFormat format=wxPATH_NATIVE)
bool FileExists() const
bool UpdateProjectFiles(cbProject *project)
static const int EditorMaxSwitchTo
HighlightLanguage GetLanguage() const
Definition: cbeditor.h:292
void SetFileState(FileVisualState state)
Set the visual state (modified, read-only, etc).
int Printf(const wxString &pszFormat,...)
EditorBase * IsOpen(const wxString &filename)
wxString GetFullPath(wxPathFormat format=wxPATH_NATIVE) const
void DeleteNotebookStack()
int AddFileToProject(const wxString &filename, cbProject *project=nullptr, int target=-1)
Add a file to a project.
#define NULL
Definition: prefix.cpp:59
virtual bool Save()
Save contents.
Definition: editorbase.h:113
bool wxGetKeyState(wxKeyCode key)
int GetOldSelection() const
bool GetModified() const override
Returns true if editor is modified, false otherwise.
Definition: cbeditor.cpp:856
static const int idNBTabUnsplit
void AddEditorBase(EditorBase *eb)
DLLIMPORT int cbMessageBox(const wxString &message, const wxString &caption=wxEmptyString, int style=wxOK, wxWindow *parent=NULL, int x=-1, int y=-1)
wxMessageBox wrapper.
Definition: globals.cpp:1395
void OnClose(wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnSaveAll(wxCommandEvent &event)
static const int idNBTabSaveAll
void UpdateProjectFile()
Updates the associated ProjectFile object with the editor&#39;s caret position, top visible line and its ...
Definition: cbeditor.cpp:952
void SetEditorStyle()
Applies the styles that match the filename of the editor.
Definition: cbeditor.cpp:1230
long wxExecute(const wxString &command, int flags=wxEXEC_ASYNC, wxProcess *callback=NULL, const wxExecuteEnv *env=NULL)
DLLIMPORT wxString realpath(const wxString &path)
Definition: globals.cpp:1348
static const int idNBTabOpenContainingFolder
wxMenuItem * AppendCheckItem(int id, const wxString &item, const wxString &help=wxEmptyString)
bool SwapActiveHeaderSource()
static const int idNBTabCloseAllOthers