Code::Blocks  SVN r11506
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * This file is part of the Code::Blocks IDE and licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3
3  *
4  *
5  * $Revision: 11300 $
6  * $Id: dlgabout.cpp 11300 2018-02-21 00:18:15Z fuscated $
7  * $HeadURL: $
8  */
10 #include "sdk.h"
12 #ifndef CB_PRECOMP
13  #ifdef __WXMAC__
14  #include <wx/font.h>
15  #endif //__WXMAC__
16  #include <wx/button.h> // wxImage
17  #include <wx/image.h> // wxImage
18  #include <wx/intl.h>
19  #include <wx/stattext.h>
20  #include <wx/string.h>
21  #include <wx/textctrl.h>
22  #include <wx/xrc/xmlres.h>
23  #if wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0)
24  #include <wx/versioninfo.h>
25  #endif // wxCHECK_VERSION
27  #include "licenses.h"
28  #include "configmanager.h"
29  #include "wx/wxscintilla.h"
30 #endif
32 #include <wx/bitmap.h>
33 #include <wx/dcmemory.h> // wxMemoryDC
34 #include <wx/statbmp.h>
36 #include "appglobals.h"
37 #include "dlgabout.h" // class's header file
38 #include "configmanager.h"
39 #include "splashscreen.h"
41 // class constructor
44 {
45  if (!wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadObject(this, parent, _T("dlgAbout"), _T("wxScrollingDialog")))
46  {
47  cbMessageBox(_("There was an error loading the \"About\" dialog from XRC file."),
48  _("Information"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
49  return;
50  }
52  wxButton *cancelButton = XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CANCEL", wxButton);
53  cancelButton->SetDefault();
54  cancelButton->SetFocus();
56  const wxString description = _("Welcome to ") + appglobals::AppName + _T(" ") +
58  _(" is a full-featured IDE (Integrated Development Environment) "
59  "aiming to make the individual developer (and the development team) "
60  "work in a nice programming environment offering everything he/they "
61  "would ever need from a program of that kind.\n"
62  "Its pluggable architecture allows you, the developer, to add "
63  "any kind of functionality to the core program, through the use of "
64  "plugins...\n");
66  wxString file = ConfigManager::ReadDataPath() + _T("/images/splash_1312.png");
68  wxBitmap bmp(im);
69  wxMemoryDC dc;
70  dc.SelectObject(bmp);
73  wxStaticBitmap *bmpControl = XRCCTRL(*this, "lblTitle", wxStaticBitmap);
74  bmpControl->SetSize(im.GetWidth(),im.GetHeight());
75  bmpControl->SetBitmap(bmp);
77  XRCCTRL(*this, "lblBuildTimestamp", wxStaticText)->SetLabel(wxString(_("Build: ")) + appglobals::AppBuildTimestamp);
78  XRCCTRL(*this, "txtDescription", wxTextCtrl)->SetValue(description);
79  XRCCTRL(*this, "txtThanksTo", wxTextCtrl)->SetValue(_(
80  "Developers:\n"
81  "--------------\n"
82  "Yiannis Mandravellos: Developer - Project leader\n"
83  "Thomas Denk : Developer\n"
84  "Lieven de Cock : Developer\n"
85  "\"tiwag\" : Developer\n"
86  "Martin Halle : Developer\n"
87  "Biplab Modak : Developer\n"
88  "Jens Lody : Developer\n"
89  "Yuchen Deng : Developer\n"
90  "Teodor Petrov : Developer\n"
91  "Daniel Anselmi : Developer\n"
92  "Yuanhui Zhang : Developer\n"
93  "Damien Moore : Developer\n"
94  "Micah Ng : Developer\n"
95  "Ricardo Garcia : All-hands person\n"
96  "Paul A. Jimenez : Help and AStyle plugins\n"
97  "Thomas Lorblanches : CodeStat and Profiler plugins\n"
98  "Bartlomiej Swiecki : wxSmith RAD plugin\n"
99  "Jerome Antoine : ThreadSearch plugin\n"
100  "Pecan Heber : Keybinder, BrowseTracker, DragScroll\n"
101  " CodeSnippets plugins\n"
102  "Arto Jonsson : CodeSnippets plugin (passed on to Pecan)\n"
103  "Darius Markauskas : Fortran support\n"
104  "Mario Cupelli : Compiler support for embedded systems\n"
105  " User's manual\n"
106  "Jonas Zinn : Misc. wxSmith AddOns and plugins\n"
107  "Mirai Computing : cbp2make tool\n"
108  "Anders F Bjoerklund : wxMac compatibility\n"
109  "\n"
110  "Contributors (in no special order):\n"
111  "-----------------------------------\n"
112  "Daniel Orb : RPM spec file and packages\n"
113  "byo,elvstone, me22 : Conversion to Unicode\n"
114  "pasgui : Providing Ubuntu nightly packages\n"
115  "Hakki Dogusan : DigitalMars compiler support\n"
116  "ybx : OpenWatcom compiler support\n"
117  "Tim Baker : Patches for the direct-compile-mode\n"
118  " dependencies generation system\n"
119  "David Perfors : Unicode tester and future documentation writer\n"
120  "Sylvain Prat : Initial MSVC workspace and project importers\n"
121  "Chris Raschko : Design of the 3D logo for Code::Blocks\n"
122  "J.A. Ortega : 3D Icon based on the above\n"
123  "Alexandr Efremo : Providing OpenSuSe packages\n"
124  "Huki : Misc. Code-Completion improvements\n"
125  "stahta01 : Misc. patches for several enhancements\n"
126  "BlueHazzard : Misc. patches for several enhancements\n"
127  "\n"
128  "All contributors that provided patches.\n"
129  "The wxWidgets project (\n"
130  "wxScintilla (\n"
131  "TinyXML parser (\n"
132  "Squirrel scripting language (\n"
133  "The GNU Software Foundation (\n"
134  "Last, but not least, the open-source community."));
135  XRCCTRL(*this, "txtLicense", wxTextCtrl)->SetValue(LICENSE_GPL);
137  XRCCTRL(*this, "lblName", wxStaticText)->SetLabel(appglobals::AppName);
138  XRCCTRL(*this, "lblVersion", wxStaticText)->SetLabel(appglobals::AppActualVersionVerb);
139  XRCCTRL(*this, "lblSDK", wxStaticText)->SetLabel(appglobals::AppSDKVersion);
140 #if wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0)
141  const wxVersionInfo scintillaVersion = wxScintilla::GetLibraryVersionInfo();
142  const wxString scintillaStr = wxString::Format(wxT("%d.%d.%d"),
143  scintillaVersion.GetMajor(),
144  scintillaVersion.GetMinor(),
145  scintillaVersion.GetMicro());
146 #else
147  const wxString scintillaStr = wxSCINTILLA_VERSION;
148 #endif // wxCHECK_VERSION
149  XRCCTRL(*this, "lblScintillaVer", wxStaticText)->SetLabel(scintillaStr);
150  XRCCTRL(*this, "lblAuthor", wxStaticText)->SetLabel(_("The Code::Blocks Team"));
151  XRCCTRL(*this, "lblEmail", wxStaticText)->SetLabel(appglobals::AppContactEmail);
152  XRCCTRL(*this, "lblWebsite", wxStaticText)->SetLabel(appglobals::AppUrl);
154 #ifdef __WXMAC__
155  // Courier 8 point is not readable on Mac OS X, increase font size:
156  wxFont font1 = XRCCTRL(*this, "txtThanksTo", wxTextCtrl)->GetFont();
157  font1.SetPointSize(10);
158  XRCCTRL(*this, "txtThanksTo", wxTextCtrl)->SetFont(font1);
160  wxFont font2 = XRCCTRL(*this, "txtLicense", wxTextCtrl)->GetFont();
161  font2.SetPointSize(10);
162  XRCCTRL(*this, "txtLicense", wxTextCtrl)->SetFont(font2);
163 #endif
164  Fit();
165  CentreOnParent();
166 }
168 // class destructor
170 {
171  // insert your code here
172 }
int GetWidth() const
bool ConvertAlphaToMask(unsigned char threshold=wxIMAGE_ALPHA_THRESHOLD)
const wxString AppActualVersionVerb
Definition: appglobals.cpp:26
virtual void SetPointSize(int pointSize)
#define _T(string)
const wxString AppUrl
Definition: appglobals.cpp:39
#define wxT(string)
virtual bool LoadFile(wxInputStream &stream, wxBitmapType type=wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY, int index=-1)
static wxVersionInfo GetLibraryVersionInfo()
int GetMinor() const
int GetMajor() const
virtual void SetBitmap(const wxBitmap &label)
const wxString AppBuildTimestamp
Definition: appglobals.cpp:66
const wxString AppContactEmail
Definition: appglobals.cpp:40
const wxString & _(const wxString &string)
const wxString AppName
Definition: appglobals.cpp:22
dlgAbout(wxWindow *parent)
Definition: dlgabout.cpp:43
Definition: wxscintilla.h:36
Definition: licenses.h:10
const wxString AppVersion
Definition: appglobals.cpp:25
static void DrawReleaseInfo(class wxDC &dc)
static wxString ReadDataPath()
static wxXmlResource * Get()
const wxString AppSDKVersion
Definition: appglobals.cpp:34
int GetMicro() const
static wxString Format(const wxString &format,...)
int GetHeight() const
DLLIMPORT int cbMessageBox(const wxString &message, const wxString &caption=wxEmptyString, int style=wxOK, wxWindow *parent=NULL, int x=-1, int y=-1)
wxMessageBox wrapper.
Definition: globals.cpp:1395