Code::Blocks  SVN r11506
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * This file is part of the Code::Blocks IDE and licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3
3  *
4  *
5  * $Revision: 9426 $
6  * $Id: cbeditorprintout.cpp 9426 2013-11-02 19:42:20Z alpha0010 $
7  * $HeadURL: $
8  */
10 #include "sdk_precomp.h"
12 #ifndef CB_PRECOMP
13  #include <wx/dc.h>
15  #include "manager.h"
16  #include "logmanager.h"
17  #include "cbeditor.h"
18 #endif
19 #include "cbstyledtextctrl.h"
21 #include "cbeditorprintout.h"
22 #include "printing_types.h"
23 #include <wx/paper.h>
25 cbEditorPrintout::cbEditorPrintout(const wxString& title, cbStyledTextCtrl* control, bool selectionOnly)
26  : wxPrintout(title),
27  m_TextControl(control)
28 {
29  // ctor
30  m_SelStart = 0;
31  m_SelEnd = control->GetLength();
32  if (selectionOnly && !control->GetSelectedText().IsEmpty())
33  {
34  m_SelStart = control->GetSelectionStart();
35  m_SelEnd = control->GetSelectionEnd();
36  }
38 }
41 {
42  // dtor
43  delete m_pPageSelStart;
44  m_pPageSelStart = nullptr;
45 }
48 {
49  wxDC *dc = GetDC();
50  if (dc)
51  {
52  // scale DC
53  ScaleDC(dc);
55  // print selected page
56  int maxpage = m_pPageSelStart->GetCount();
57  if (page && page<maxpage)
58  m_printed = (*m_pPageSelStart)[page-1];
59  else
60  {
61  Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(F(_T("OnPrintPage ERROR: page = %d , maxpage = %d"), page, maxpage));
62  return false;
63  }
65  //Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(_T("OnPrintPage: page %d , m_printed %d"), page, m_printed);
67  dc, dc, m_printRect, m_pageRect);
68  return true;
69  }
70  return false;
71 }
73 bool cbEditorPrintout::HasPage(cb_unused int page)
74 {
75  return (m_printed < m_SelEnd);
76 }
78 void cbEditorPrintout::GetPageInfo(int *minPage, int *maxPage, int *selPageFrom, int *selPageTo)
79 {
80  // initialize values
81  *minPage = 0;
82  *maxPage = 0;
83  *selPageFrom = 0;
84  *selPageTo = 0;
85  // get print page information and convert to printer pixels
86  wxSize ppiScr;
87  GetPPIScreen (&ppiScr.x, &ppiScr.y);
88  if (ppiScr.x == 0 || ppiScr.y == 0)
89  {
90  // guess
91  ppiScr.x = 96;
92  ppiScr.y = 96;
93  }
96  // We cannot use GetSize from wxPrintData, because it always returns -1 for page.x and page.y,
97  wxPrintPaperDatabase paperDB;
98  paperDB.CreateDatabase();
99  wxSize page=paperDB.GetSize(ppd->GetPaperId());
100  if(ppd->GetOrientation() == wxLANDSCAPE )
101  {
102  int temp = page.x;
103  page.x = page.y;
104  page.y = temp;
105  }
107  // We have to divide through 254 instead of 25.4, because GetSize() of paperDB returns tenth of millimeters
108  page.x = static_cast<int> (page.x * ppiScr.x / 254);
109  page.y = static_cast<int> (page.y * ppiScr.y / 254);
110  m_pageRect = wxRect (0,
111  0,
112  page.x,
113  page.y);
114  // get margins information and convert to printer pixels
115  int top = 15; // default 25
116  int bottom = 15; // default 25
117  int left = 20; // default 20
118  int right = 15; // default 20
119 // TODO (Tiwag#1#): get margins from PageSetup Dialog
120 // wxPoint (top, left) = g_pageSetupData->GetMarginTopLeft();
121 // wxPoint (bottom, right) = g_pageSetupData->GetMarginBottomRight();
122  top = static_cast<int> (top * ppiScr.y / 25.4);
123  bottom = static_cast<int> (bottom * ppiScr.y / 25.4);
124  left = static_cast<int> (left * ppiScr.x / 25.4);
125  right = static_cast<int> (right * ppiScr.x / 25.4);
126  m_printRect = wxRect (left,
127  top,
128  page.x - (left + right),
129  page.y - (top + bottom));
131  // wxWidgets 2.4.2, have some printing-related bugs.
132  // one of them is that that GetDC always returns 0 in GetPageInfo.
133  // this means we can't count the pages...
134  wxDC *dc = GetDC();
135  if (dc)
136  {
137  ScaleDC(dc);
139  // count pages and save SelStart value of each page
140  m_pPageSelStart->Clear();
143  while (HasPage(*maxPage))
144  {
145  //Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(_T("CountPages: PageCount %d , m_printed %d"), m_pPageSelStart->GetCount(), m_printed);
147  dc, dc, m_printRect, m_pageRect);
149  *maxPage += 1;
150  }
151  }
152  else
153  *maxPage = 32000; // use a fictitious high number
155  if (*maxPage > 0)
156  *minPage = 1;
157  *selPageFrom = *minPage;
158  *selPageTo = *maxPage;
160 }
162 bool cbEditorPrintout::OnBeginDocument(int startPage, int endPage)
163 {
164  bool result = wxPrintout::OnBeginDocument(startPage, endPage);
165  // FIXME (Tiwag#1#): when the first time a printout is initiated
166  // and you request a page to print which is out of bounds of available pages
167  // it is not recognized by the above check, don't know how to fix this better
168  int maxpage = m_pPageSelStart->GetCount();
169  if( startPage > maxpage || endPage > maxpage )
170  {
171  Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(F(_T("OnBeginDocument ERROR: startPage %d , endPage %d , maxpage %d "), startPage, endPage, maxpage));
172  return false;
173  }
174  return result;
175 }
178 {
179  if (!dc)
180  return false;
181  // get printer and screen sizing values
182  wxSize ppiScr;
183  GetPPIScreen (&ppiScr.x, &ppiScr.y);
184  if (ppiScr.x == 0)
185  { // most possible guess 96 dpi
186  ppiScr.x = 96;
187  ppiScr.y = 96;
188  }
189  wxSize ppiPrt;
190  GetPPIPrinter (&ppiPrt.x, &ppiPrt.y);
191  if (ppiPrt.x == 0)
192  { // scaling factor to 1
193  ppiPrt.x = ppiScr.x;
194  ppiPrt.y = ppiScr.y;
195  }
196  wxSize dcSize = dc->GetSize();
197  wxSize pageSize;
198  GetPageSizePixels (&pageSize.x, &pageSize.y);
199  // set user scale
200  float scale_x = (float)(ppiPrt.x * dcSize.x) /
201  (float)(ppiScr.x * pageSize.x);
202  float scale_y = (float)(ppiPrt.y * dcSize.y) /
203  (float)(ppiScr.y * pageSize.y);
204  dc->SetUserScale (scale_x, scale_y);
205  return true;
206 }
wxString F(const wxChar *msg,...)
sprintf-like function
Definition: logmanager.h:20
wxPrintOrientation GetOrientation() const
static Manager * Get()
Use Manager::Get() to get a pointer to its instance Manager::Get() is guaranteed to never return an i...
Definition: manager.cpp:182
bool HasPage(int page) override
#define _T(string)
int GetSelectionStart() const
Returns the position at the start of the selection.
wxArrayInt * m_pPageSelStart
wxPrinter * g_printer
wxString GetSelectedText()
Retrieve the selected text.
bool ScaleDC(wxDC *dc)
wxPrintData & GetPrintData()
wxPaperSize GetPaperId() const
bool OnBeginDocument(int startPage, int endPage) override
LogManager * GetLogManager() const
Definition: manager.cpp:439
int GetLength() const
Returns the number of bytes in the document.
int FormatRange(bool doDraw, int startPos, int endPos, wxDC *draw, wxDC *target, wxRect renderRect, wxRect pageRect)
On Windows, will draw the document into a display context such as a printer.
int GetSelectionEnd() const
Returns the position at the end of the selection.
cbStyledTextCtrl * m_TextControl
wxArray< int > wxArrayInt
void GetPageInfo(int *minPage, int *maxPage, int *selPageFrom, int *selPageTo) override
bool OnPrintPage(int page) override
bool IsEmpty() const
cbEditorPrintout(const wxString &title, cbStyledTextCtrl *control, bool selectionOnly)
void DebugLog(const wxString &msg, Logger::level lv=Logger::info)
Definition: logmanager.h:146
virtual wxPrintDialogData & GetPrintDialogData() const
~cbEditorPrintout() override