Patch #2199 2007-10-04 21:44


lexer properties for vhdl and verilog
2199-lexer_properti.patch (13.8 KB)
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2007-10-31 11:28
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Index: src/sdk/resources/lexers/lexer_verilog.sample
--- src/sdk/resources/lexers/lexer_verilog.sample    (revision 0)
+++ src/sdk/resources/lexers/lexer_verilog.sample    (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// D flip-flop
+module d_ff ( d, clk, q, q_bar);
+input d ,clk;
+output q, q_bar;
+wire d ,clk;
+reg q, q_bar;
+always @ (posedge clk)
+    q <= d;
+    q_bar <=  ! d;
Index: src/sdk/resources/lexers/lexer_vhdl.sample
--- src/sdk/resources/lexers/lexer_vhdl.sample    (revision 0)
+++ src/sdk/resources/lexers/lexer_vhdl.sample    (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+-- Sample preview code
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+entity shiftregister is
+    generic
+    (
+        left          : boolean := false -- so shift right
+    )
+    port
+    (
+        clk           : in  std_logic;
+        rst           : in  std_logic;
+        en            : in  std_logic;
+        d             : in  std_logic
+        q             : out std_logic_vector
+    );
+end shiftregister;
+architecture behavioral of shiftregister is
+    constant crcpoly   : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"8D";
+    type   utxstates   is (idle, data, parity, stop);
+    signal utxstate    : utxstates;
+    shift: process ( rst, clk ) begin
+        if rst = '1' then
+            q <= (others => '0');
+        elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
+            if left then
+                q <= q(q'left - 1 downto q'right) & d;
+            else
+                q <= d & q(q'left downto q'right + 1);
+            end if;
+        end if;
+    end process;
+end behavioral;
Index: src/sdk/resources/lexers/lexer_vhdl.xml
--- src/sdk/resources/lexers/lexer_vhdl.xml    (revision 0)
+++ src/sdk/resources/lexers/lexer_vhdl.xml    (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE CodeBlocks_lexer_properties>
+        <Lexer name="VHDL"
+                index="64"
+                filemasks="*.vhd,*.vhdl">
+                <!-- #define wxSCI_VHDL_DEFAULT 0 -->
+                <Style name="Default"
+                        index="0"
+                        fg="0,0,0"
+                        bg="255,255,255"
+                        bold="0"
+                        italics="0"
+                        underlined="0"/>
+                <!--#define wxSCI_VHDL_COMMENT 1
+                #define wxSCI_VHDL_COMMENTLINEBANG 2-->
+                <Style name="Comment"
+                        index="1,2"
+                        fg="34,138,34"/>
+                        <!--fg="160,160,160"-->
+                <!--#define wxSCI_VHDL_NUMBER 3-->
+                <Style name="Number"
+                        index="3"
+                        fg="160,882,45"/>
+                        <!--fg="240,0,240"/-->
+                <!--#define wxSCI_VHDL_STRING 4
+                #define wxSCI_VHDL_STRINGEOL 7-->
+                <Style name="String"
+                        index="4,7"
+                        fg="0,0,255"/>
+                <!--#define wxSCI_VHDL_OPERATOR 5
+                #define wxSCI_VHDL_STDOPERATOR 9-->
+                <Style name="Operator"
+                        index="5,9"
+                        fg="0,0,128"
+                        bold="1"/>
+                <!--#define wxSCI_VHDL_KEYWORD 8-->
+                <Style name="Keyword"
+                        index="8"
+                        fg="0,0,160"
+                        bold="1"/>
+                <!--#define wxSCI_VHDL_USERWORD 14-->
+                <Style name="User keyword"
+                        index="14"
+                        fg="0,160,0"
+                        bold="1"/>
+                <!--#define wxSCI_VHDL_ATTRIBUTE 10-->
+                <Style name="Attribute"
+                        index="10"
+                        fg="95,159,159"/>
+                <!--#define wxSCI_VHDL_STDPACKAGE 12-->
+                <Style name="Std Package"
+                        index="12"
+                        fg="255,0,255"/>
+                <!--#define wxSCI_VHDL_STDTYPE 13-->
+                <Style name="Std Type"
+                        index="13"
+                        fg="159,159,95"/>
+                <!--#define wxSCI_VHDL_IDENTIFIER 6-->
+                <Style name="Identifier"
+                        index="6"
+                        fg="0,0,0"/>
+                <!--#define wxSCI_VHDL_STDFUNCTION 11-->
+                <Style name="Std Function"
+                        index="11"
+                        fg="0,0,255"/>
+                <Style name="Selection"
+                        index="-99"
+                        bg="192,192,192"/>
+                <Style name="Active line"
+                        index="-
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