Bug #9533 2006-11-24 09:32


Default Compiler is always set to GCC

If the default compiler is set to a different compiler other than GCC, the project wizard for Console Application fails to detect the default compiler. It always detects GCC as default compiler.

Close date
2006-12-04 20:03
Assigned to
mortenmacfly 2006-11-25 17:12

This isn't related to the console wizard but the scripted wizard itself I'd say... Have to check with mandrav.

biplab 2006-11-25 18:22

I think the bug is in script interpreter.

Please check [ Bug #9546 ] Wizard.AddCompilerPage call sets wrong Compiler in Wizard.

I hope I provided enough information to reproduce the bug.

biplab 2006-11-28 09:56

I have uploaded updated patch (Patch # 1664). The updated patch fixes this bug.

I have tested the patch and it is working.

mortenmacfly 2006-12-04 20:02

Fixed by applying patch #1664, thanks biplab.