Bug #9546 2006-11-25 18:20


Wizard.AddCompilerPage call sets wrong Compiler in Wizard

When Wizard.AddCompilerPage function is called, it sets the wrong compiler in the Compiler listbox.

To reproduce the bug modify the lines in wizard.script file:

Wizard.AddCompilerPage(_T(""), _T("*"), true, true);

Should return Default compiler, instead returns GCC (index = 0)

Wizard.AddCompilerPage(_T("gcc"), _T("*"), true, true);

Should return GCC compiler, instead returns Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 (index = 1 instead of index = 0)

Wizard.AddCompilerPage(_T("msvctk"), _T("*"), true, true);

Should return Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 compiler, instead returns Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 (index = 2 instead of index = 1)

Wizard.AddCompilerPage(_T("msvctk"), _T("*"), true, true);

Should return Microsoft Visual C++ 2005, instead returns Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 (index = 3 instead of index = 2)

I'm assuming index starts at 0. The function sets the next compiler in the compiler selection box and also fails in selecting the default compiler.

Close date
2006-12-04 20:03
Assigned to
biplab 2006-11-27 16:58

I have found out the bug. I have added a patch (Patch #1664). I couldn't test it as I never compiled Code::Blocks in my system. Please test it and let me know.

biplab 2006-11-28 09:55

I have uploaded updated patch (Patch # 1664). The updated patch fixes this bug.

I have tested the patch and it is working.

mortenmacfly 2006-12-04 20:02

Fixed by applying patch #1664, thanks biplab.