static const long ID_STATICTEXT14
wxComboBox * cmbDescendants
static const long ID_PANEL4
wxStaticText * txtTemplateArg
static const long ID_TEXTCTRL1
static const long ID_STATICTEXT37
static const long ID_STATICTEXT26
void OnGoDescClick(wxCommandEvent &event)
static const long ID_STATICTEXT41
wxStaticText * txtBaseType
static const long ID_STATICTEXT18
static const long ID_STATICTEXT28
static const long ID_LISTBOX2
static const long ID_PANEL2
wxStaticText * txtImplFile
void OnGoAscClick(wxCommandEvent &event)
wxStaticText * txtIsNoExcept
static const long ID_PANEL1
static const long ID_STATICTEXT33
void OnGoDeclClick(wxCommandEvent &event)
CCDebugInfo(wxWindow *parent, ParserBase *parser, Token *token)
static const long ID_COMBOBOX2
static const long ID_STATICTEXT35
wxComboBox * cmbAncestors
wxStaticText * txtNamespace
static const long ID_LISTBOX3
static const long ID_STATICTEXT8
static const long ID_STATICTEXT2
static const long ID_STATICTEXT10
a symbol found in the parsed files, it can be many kinds, such as a variable, a class and so on...
static const long ID_STATICTEXT16
void OnFindClick(wxCommandEvent &event)
static const long ID_STATICTEXT4
static const long ID_COMBOBOX3
static const long ID_COMBOBOX1
wxStaticText * txtArgsStripped
void OnGoParentClick(wxCommandEvent &event)
static const long ID_STATICTEXT20
void OnInit(wxInitDialogEvent &event)
void OnGoImplClick(wxCommandEvent &event)
wxStaticText * txtIsLocal
static const long ID_PANEL3
void OnGoChildrenClick(wxCommandEvent &event)
static const long ID_NOTEBOOK1
wxStaticText * txtUserData
static const long ID_STATICTEXT6
static const long ID_STATICTEXT24
static const long ID_STATICTEXT1
wxStaticText * txtIsConst
wxStaticText * txtDeclFile
void OnSave(wxCommandEvent &event)
static const long ID_STATICTEXT39
wxStaticText * txtFullType
static const long ID_LISTBOX1
static const long ID_STATICTEXT12