Code::Blocks  SVN r11506
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * This file is part of the Code::Blocks IDE and licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3
3  *
4  */
9 #include <wx/wxprec.h>
11 #ifdef __BORLANDC__
12  #pragma hdrstop
13 #endif
15 //(*Headers(CCDebugInfo)
16 #include <wx/combobox.h>
17 #include <wx/sizer.h>
18 #include <wx/notebook.h>
19 #include <wx/button.h>
20 #include <wx/panel.h>
21 #include "scrollingdialog.h"
22 #include <wx/statline.h>
23 #include <wx/stattext.h>
24 #include <wx/textctrl.h>
25 #include <wx/listbox.h>
26 //*)
28 class ParserBase;
29 class Token;
31 // When instance this class, *MUST* entered a critical section, and should call ShowModal() rather than the other
32 // e.g. wxMutexLocker locker(s_TokenTreeMutex);
34 {
35 public:
36  CCDebugInfo(wxWindow* parent, ParserBase* parser, Token* token);
37  virtual ~CCDebugInfo();
39  void FillFiles();
40  void FillDirs();
41  void FillMacros();
42  void DisplayTokenInfo();
43  void FillChildren();
44  void FillAncestors();
45  void FillDescendants();
47  //(*Identifiers(CCDebugInfo)
48  static const long ID_TEXTCTRL1;
49  static const long ID_BUTTON1;
50  static const long ID_STATICTEXT18;
51  static const long ID_STATICTEXT2;
52  static const long ID_STATICTEXT10;
53  static const long ID_STATICTEXT12;
54  static const long ID_STATICTEXT4;
55  static const long ID_STATICTEXT6;
56  static const long ID_STATICTEXT8;
57  static const long ID_STATICTEXT37;
58  static const long ID_STATICTEXT41;
59  static const long ID_STATICTEXT14;
60  static const long ID_STATICTEXT16;
61  static const long ID_STATICTEXT33;
62  static const long ID_STATICTEXT39;
63  static const long ID_STATICTEXT1;
64  static const long ID_STATICTEXT20;
65  static const long ID_STATICTEXT24;
66  static const long ID_BUTTON4;
67  static const long ID_COMBOBOX3;
68  static const long ID_BUTTON5;
69  static const long ID_COMBOBOX2;
70  static const long ID_BUTTON3;
71  static const long ID_COMBOBOX1;
72  static const long ID_BUTTON2;
73  static const long ID_STATICTEXT26;
74  static const long ID_BUTTON7;
75  static const long ID_STATICTEXT28;
76  static const long ID_BUTTON8;
77  static const long ID_STATICTEXT35;
78  static const long ID_PANEL1;
79  static const long ID_LISTBOX1;
80  static const long ID_PANEL2;
81  static const long ID_LISTBOX2;
82  static const long ID_PANEL3;
83  static const long ID_LISTBOX3;
84  static const long ID_PANEL4;
85  static const long ID_NOTEBOOK1;
86  static const long ID_BUTTON6;
87  //*)
89 protected:
90  //(*Handlers(CCDebugInfo)
91  void OnInit(wxInitDialogEvent& event);
92  void OnFindClick(wxCommandEvent& event);
93  void OnGoAscClick(wxCommandEvent& event);
94  void OnGoDescClick(wxCommandEvent& event);
95  void OnGoParentClick(wxCommandEvent& event);
96  void OnGoChildrenClick(wxCommandEvent& event);
97  void OnSave(wxCommandEvent& event);
98  void OnGoDeclClick(wxCommandEvent& event);
99  void OnGoImplClick(wxCommandEvent& event);
100  //*)
102  //(*Declarations(CCDebugInfo)
135  //*)
137 private:
142 };
144 #endif
static const long ID_STATICTEXT14
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:59
wxStaticText * txtArgs
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:111
wxComboBox * cmbDescendants
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:131
static const long ID_PANEL4
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:84
wxStaticText * txtTemplateArg
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:122
wxStaticText * txtIsTemp
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:128
static const long ID_TEXTCTRL1
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:48
static const long ID_STATICTEXT37
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:57
wxListBox * lstMacros
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:108
static const long ID_STATICTEXT26
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:73
void FillChildren()
void FillDirs()
void OnGoDescClick(wxCommandEvent &event)
static const long ID_STATICTEXT41
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:58
wxStaticText * txtBaseType
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:113
static const long ID_STATICTEXT18
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:50
static const long ID_BUTTON2
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:72
static const long ID_STATICTEXT28
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:75
static const long ID_LISTBOX2
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:81
static const long ID_PANEL2
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:80
wxStaticText * txtImplFile
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:130
void DisplayTokenInfo()
void FillFiles()
void OnGoAscClick(wxCommandEvent &event)
wxListBox * lstDirs
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:121
wxTextCtrl * txtFilter
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:106
wxStaticText * txtIsNoExcept
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:123
void FillMacros()
wxBoxSizer * BoxSizer12
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:129
static const long ID_PANEL1
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:78
wxStaticText * txtParent
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:110
static const long ID_STATICTEXT33
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:61
void OnGoDeclClick(wxCommandEvent &event)
CCDebugInfo(wxWindow *parent, ParserBase *parser, Token *token)
static const long ID_COMBOBOX2
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:69
static const long ID_STATICTEXT35
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:77
wxComboBox * cmbAncestors
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:105
static const long ID_BUTTON6
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:86
wxStaticText * txtNamespace
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:112
static const long ID_BUTTON5
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:68
static const long ID_LISTBOX3
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:83
static const long ID_STATICTEXT8
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:56
static const long ID_STATICTEXT2
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:51
virtual ~CCDebugInfo()
static const long ID_STATICTEXT10
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:52
a symbol found in the parsed files, it can be many kinds, such as a variable, a class and so on...
Definition: token.h:82
wxBoxSizer * BoxSizer11
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:115
wxStaticText * txtScope
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:116
static const long ID_STATICTEXT16
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:60
void OnFindClick(wxCommandEvent &event)
wxStaticText * txtKind
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:118
static const long ID_STATICTEXT4
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:54
static const long ID_COMBOBOX3
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:67
wxStaticText * txtID
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:109
static const long ID_BUTTON3
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:70
static const long ID_COMBOBOX1
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:71
wxStaticText * txtArgsStripped
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:107
void OnGoParentClick(wxCommandEvent &event)
wxStaticText * txtIsOp
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:114
wxButton * btnSave
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:132
static const long ID_STATICTEXT20
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:64
void OnInit(wxInitDialogEvent &event)
ParserBase * m_Parser
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:138
static const long ID_BUTTON7
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:74
void OnGoImplClick(wxCommandEvent &event)
wxStaticText * txtIsLocal
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:126
static const long ID_PANEL3
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:82
wxStaticText * txtName
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:125
static const long ID_BUTTON1
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:49
wxStaticText * txtInfo
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:124
Token * m_Token
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:139
void OnGoChildrenClick(wxCommandEvent &event)
static const long ID_NOTEBOOK1
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:85
wxStaticText * txtUserData
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:127
static const long ID_STATICTEXT6
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:55
static const long ID_STATICTEXT24
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:65
static const long ID_STATICTEXT1
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:63
wxListBox * lstFiles
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:120
wxPanel * Panel4
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:117
wxStaticText * txtIsConst
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:134
wxStaticText * txtDeclFile
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:119
wxComboBox * cmbChildren
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:103
void OnSave(wxCommandEvent &event)
static const long ID_BUTTON8
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:76
static const long ID_STATICTEXT39
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:62
void FillAncestors()
wxBoxSizer * BoxSizer5
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:133
wxStaticText * txtFullType
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:104
static const long ID_BUTTON4
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:66
void FillDescendants()
static const long ID_LISTBOX1
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:79
static const long ID_STATICTEXT12
Definition: ccdebuginfo.h:53