Patch #3552 2014-02-17 20:35


Enhancements / Fixes to CDB debugger driver
3552-Enhancements_F.patch (3.3 KB)
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Index: src/plugins/debuggergdb/cdb_driver.cpp
--- src/plugins/debuggergdb/cdb_driver.cpp    (revision 9652)
+++ src/plugins/debuggergdb/cdb_driver.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@
 #include <cbdebugger_interfaces.h>
-static wxRegEx rePrompt(_T("([0-9]+:){1,2}[0-9]+>"));
+// ElCaBoom: Slightly different prompt when using 64-bit CDB to debug a 32-bit binary
+// static wxRegEx rePrompt(_T("([0-9]+:){1,2}[0-9]+>"));
+static wxRegEx rePrompt(_T("([0-9]+:){1,2}[xX0-9]+>"));
 static wxRegEx reBP(_T("Breakpoint ([0-9]+) hit"));
 // one stack frame (to access current file; is there another way???)
 //  # ChildEBP RetAddr
@@ -58,28 +60,31 @@
     if (m_Target->GetTargetType() == ttConsoleOnly)
         cmd << wxT(" -2"); // tell the debugger to launch a console for us
-    if (m_Dirs.GetCount() > 0)
-    {
-        // add symbols dirs
-        cmd << _T(" -y ");
-        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Dirs.GetCount(); ++i)
-            cmd << m_Dirs[i] << wxPATH_SEP;
+    if (m_Dirs.GetCount() > 0)
+    {
+        // add symbols dirs
+        // ElCaBoom: Not necessary, CDB will find the PDB through the binary image
+        //cmd << _T(" -y ");
+        //for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Dirs.GetCount(); ++i)
+        //    cmd << m_Dirs[i] << wxPATH_SEP;
-        // add source dirs
-        cmd << _T(" -srcpath ");
-        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Dirs.GetCount(); ++i)
-            cmd << m_Dirs[i] << wxPATH_SEP;
+        // add source dirs
+        cmd << _T(" -srcpath ");
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Dirs.GetCount(); ++i)
+            cmd << m_Dirs[i] << wxPATH_SEP;
     return cmd;
 // FIXME (obfuscated#): Implement user arguments
-wxString CDB_driver::GetCommandLine(const wxString& debugger, const wxString& debuggee, cb_unused const wxString &userArguments)
+// Fixed by ElCaBoom
+wxString CDB_driver::GetCommandLine(const wxString& debugger, const wxString& debuggee, const wxString &userArguments)
     wxString cmd = GetCommonCommandLine(debugger);
+    // ElCaBoom: Add the user arguments
+    cmd << _T(' ') << userArguments;
+    // finally, add the program to debug
     cmd << _T(' ');
-    // finally, add the program to debug
     wxFileName debuggeeFileName(debuggee);
     if (debuggeeFileName.IsAbsolute())
         cmd << debuggee;
@@ -90,9 +95,12 @@
 // FIXME (obfuscated#): Implement user arguments
-wxString CDB_driver::GetCommandLine(const wxString& debugger, int pid, cb_unused const wxString &userArguments)
+// Fixed by ElCaBoom
+wxString CDB_driver::GetCommandLine(const wxString& debugger, int pid, const wxString &userArguments)
     wxString cmd = GetCommonCommandLine(debugger);
+    // ElCaBoom: Add the user arguments
+    cmd << _T(' ') << userArguments;
     // finally, add the PID
     cmd << _T(" -p ") << wxString::Format(_T("%d"), pid);
     return cmd;
@@ -119,6 +127,8 @@
     QueueCommand(new DebuggerCmd(this, _T("l+t"))); // source mode
     QueueCommand(new DebuggerCmd(this, _T("l+s"))); // show source lines
     QueueCommand(new DebuggerCmd(this, _T("l+o"))); // only source lines
+    // ElCaBoom: Added command not to break on WOW64 breakpoint, just report the event (64-bit CDB)
+    QueueCommand(new DebuggerCmd(this, _T("sxn 4000001f")));
     if (!m_pDBG->GetActiveConfigEx().GetFlag(DebuggerConfiguration::DoNotRun))
tpetrov 2014-04-26 15:18

Can you remove all mentions of you name from the comments?

Also can you write a comment with the description of your changes?