Patch #3350 2012-10-15 22:33


CC: follow active indentation and EOL style
3350-CC_follow_acti.patch (4.9 KB)
Close date
2012-10-23 06:54
Assigned to
Index: src/plugins/codecompletion/codecompletion.cpp
--- src/plugins/codecompletion/codecompletion.cpp    (revision 8456)
+++ src/plugins/codecompletion/codecompletion.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -2723,20 +2723,22 @@
     if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
-        int pos = ed->GetControl()->GetCurrentPos();
-        int line = ed->GetControl()->LineFromPosition(pos);
-        ed->GetControl()->GotoPos(ed->GetControl()->PositionFromLine(line));
+        cbStyledTextCtrl* control = ed->GetControl();
+        int pos = control->GetCurrentPos();
+        int line = control->LineFromPosition(pos);
+        control->GotoPos(control->PositionFromLine(line));
         wxArrayString result = dlg.GetCode();
         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < result.GetCount(); ++i)
-            pos = ed->GetControl()->GetCurrentPos();
-            line = ed->GetControl()->LineFromPosition(pos);
+            pos = control->GetCurrentPos();
+            line = control->LineFromPosition(pos);
             wxString str = ed->GetLineIndentString(line - 1) + result[i];
-            ed->GetControl()->SetTargetStart(pos);
-            ed->GetControl()->SetTargetEnd(pos);
-            ed->GetControl()->ReplaceTarget(str);
-            ed->GetControl()->GotoPos(pos + str.Length());// - 3);
+            MatchCodeStyle(str, control->GetEOLMode(), ed->GetLineIndentString(line - 1), control->GetUseTabs(), control->GetTabWidth());
+            control->SetTargetStart(pos);
+            control->SetTargetEnd(pos);
+            control->ReplaceTarget(str);
+            control->GotoPos(pos + str.Length());// - 3);
         success = 0;
@@ -2848,7 +2850,8 @@
             wxString str;
             if (i > 0)
                 str << _T("\n");
-            str << ed->GetLineIndentString(line - 1);
+            else
+                str << ed->GetLineIndentString(line - 1);
             if (addDoxgenComment)
                 str << _T("/** @brief ") << token->m_Name << _T("\n  *\n  * @todo: document this function\n  */\n");
             wxString type = token->m_BaseType;
@@ -2868,14 +2871,22 @@
             str << token->m_Name << token->GetStrippedArgs();
             if (token->m_IsConst)
                 str << _T(" const");
-            str << _T("\n{\n}\n");
+            str << _T("\n{\n\t\n}\n");
+            MatchCodeStyle(str, control->GetEOLMode(), ed->GetLineIndentString(line - 1), control->GetUseTabs(), control->GetTabWidth());
             // add code in editor
             control->GotoPos(pos + str.Length());
+        if (!indices.IsEmpty())
+        {
+            pos  = control->GetCurrentPos();
+            line = control->LineFromPosition(pos);
+            control->GotoPos(control->GetLineEndPosition(line - 2));
+        }
         success = 0;
@@ -2884,6 +2895,17 @@
     return success;
+void CodeCompletion::MatchCodeStyle(wxString& str, int eolStyle, const wxString& indent, bool useTabs, int tabSize)
+    str.Replace(wxT("\n"), (eolStyle == wxSCI_EOL_LF   ? wxT("\n")   :
+                            eolStyle == wxSCI_EOL_CRLF ? wxT("\r\n") :
+                          /*eolStyle == wxSCI_EOL_CR ?*/ wxT("\r")   ) + indent );
+    if (!useTabs)
+        str.Replace(wxT("\t"), wxString(wxT(' '), tabSize));
+    if (!indent.IsEmpty())
+        str.RemoveLast(indent.Length());
 // help method in finding the function position in the vector for the function containing the current line
 void CodeCompletion::FunctionPosition(int &scopeItem, int &functionItem) const
Index: src/plugins/codecompletion/insertclassmethoddlg.cpp
--- src/plugins/codecompletion/insertclassmethoddlg.cpp    (revision 8456)
+++ src/plugins/codecompletion/insertclassmethoddlg.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
             str << clb->GetString(i);
             str.Replace(_T("&&"), _T("&"));
-            array.Add(str + (m_Decl ? _T(";\n") : _T("\n{\n\n}\n\n")));
+            array.Add(str + (m_Decl ? _T(";\n") : _T("\n{\n\t\n}\n\n")));
Index: src/plugins/codecompletion/codecompletion.h
--- src/plugins/codecompletion/codecompletion.h    (revision 8456)
+++ src/plugins/codecompletion/codecompletion.h    (working copy)
@@ -202,6 +202,8 @@
     /** ContextMenu->Insert-> All class methods*/
     int DoAllMethodsImpl();
+    void MatchCodeStyle(wxString& str, int eolStyle = wxSCI_EOL_LF, const wxString& indent = wxEmptyString, bool useTabs = false, int tabSize = 4);
     // CC's toolbar related functions
     /** help method in finding the function position in the vector for the function containing the current line*/
     void FunctionPosition(int &scopeItem, int &functionItem) const;