Patch #1527 2006-09-28 08:25


Added regex for 'Instantiated from here' compiler output
1527-Added_regex_fo.patch (2.9 KB)
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2007-04-12 12:59
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Index: compilerGDC.cpp
--- compilerGDC.cpp    (revision 3002)
+++ compilerGDC.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@
     m_RegExes.Add(RegExStruct(_("Fatal error"), cltError, _T("FATAL:[ \t]*(.*)"), 1));
+    m_RegExes.Add(RegExStruct(_("'Instantiated from' warning"), cltWarning, _T("([ \tA-Za-z0-9_:+/\\.-]+):([0-9]+):[ \t]+([iI]nstantiated from.*)"), 3, 1, 2));
     m_RegExes.Add(RegExStruct(_("Resource compiler error"), cltError, _T("windres.exe:[ \t]([ \tA-Za-z0-9_:+/\\.-]+):([0-9]+):[ \t](.*)"), 3, 1, 2));
     m_RegExes.Add(RegExStruct(_("Resource compiler error (2)"), cltError, _T("windres.exe:[ \t](.*)"), 1));
     m_RegExes.Add(RegExStruct(_("Preprocessor warning"), cltWarning, _T("([ \tA-Za-z0-9_:+/\\.-]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+):[ \t]([Ww]arning:[ \t].*)"), 4, 1, 2));
Index: compilerGNUARM.cpp
--- compilerGNUARM.cpp    (revision 3002)
+++ compilerGNUARM.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -172,8 +172,9 @@
     m_RegExes.Add(RegExStruct(_("Fatal error"), cltError, _T("FATAL:[ \t]*(.*)"), 1));
+    m_RegExes.Add(RegExStruct(_("'Instantiated from' warning"), cltWarning, _T("([ \tA-Za-z0-9_:+/\\.-]+):([0-9]+):[ \t]+([iI]nstantiated from.*)"), 3, 1, 2));
     m_RegExes.Add(RegExStruct(_("Resource compiler error"), cltError, _T("windres.exe:[ \t]([ \tA-Za-z0-9_:+/\\.-]+):([0-9]+):[ \t](.*)"), 3, 1, 2));
-    m_RegExes.Add(RegExStruct(_("Resource compiler error (2)"), cltError, _T("windres.exe:[ \t](.*)"), 1));
+    m_RegExes.Add(RegExStruct(_("Resource compiler error (2)"), cltError, _T("windres.exe:[ \t](.*)"), 1));
     m_RegExes.Add(RegExStruct(_("Preprocessor warning"), cltWarning, _T("([ \tA-Za-z0-9_:+/\\.-]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+):[ \t]([Ww]arning:[ \t].*)"), 4, 1, 2));
     m_RegExes.Add(RegExStruct(_("Preprocessor error"), cltError, _T("([ \tA-Za-z0-9_:+/\\.-]+):([0-9]+):[0-9]+:[ \t](.*)"), 3, 1, 2));
     m_RegExes.Add(RegExStruct(_("Compiler warning"), cltWarning, _T("([ \tA-Za-z0-9_:+/\\.-]+):([0-9]+):[ \t]([Ww]arning:[ \t].*)"), 3, 1, 2));
Index: compilerMINGW.cpp
--- compilerMINGW.cpp    (revision 3002)
+++ compilerMINGW.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@
     m_RegExes.Add(RegExStruct(_("Fatal error"), cltError, _T("FATAL:[ \t]*(.*)"), 1));
+    m_RegExes.Add(RegExStruct(_("'Instantiated from' warning"), cltWarning, _T("([ \tA-Za-z0-9_:+/\\.-]+):([0-9]+):[ \t]+([iI]nstantiated from.*)"), 3, 1, 2));
     m_RegExes.Add(RegExStruct(_("Resource compiler error"), cltError, _T("windres.exe:[ \t]([ \tA-Za-z0-9_:+/\\.-]+):([0-9]+):[ \t](.*)"), 3, 1, 2));
     m_RegExes.Add(RegExStruct(_("Resource compiler error (2)"), cltError, _T("windres.exe:[ \t](.*)"), 1));
     m_RegExes.Add(RegExStruct(_("Preprocessor warning"), cltWarning, _T("([ \tA-Za-z0-9_:+/\\.-]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+):[ \t]([Ww]arning:[ \t].*)"), 4, 1, 2));
kkez 2006-09-28 08:29

I added the regex to all the compilers, but i don't know if they really output it. I believe Mingw does...

kkez 2006-10-07 08:39

Changed the regex to handle all the "Instantiated from..." messages.

mandrav 2007-04-12 12:59

By now, we already handle these messages.

Thank you though.