Feature #3555 2007-07-09 15:10


CodeCompletion enhancement

i wanted to sugest some change (perhaps an enhancement) to the code completion pop-up, i mean that little window that shows the variables and the methods and such. currently it shows you everything in alphabetic order but i would find it much more useful if it would show in one column: first the public, a horizontal line, then the protected, another line and then the private elements...

and in case of methods: that it would not only show the methods of the class, but in another column with the name of that class as title, all the inherited methods frome that class...

this would be great especially for the wxWidgets stuff, where some many classes inherit from wxWindows for example

i don't know if i explained well what i mean, and then, if anybody but me would apreciate these changes...



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chimerahitman 2007-08-15 17:54

That is quite nice, i would think a better way to address the problem is by having the window resized to users preference with mouse and allowing it to have button under the window that would include public members, private, const, etc... separable. It is more like the window that Visual Assist X pops up in Visual Studio. That I find extremely useful for lengthy lists.