Feature #2580 2006-08-28 12:26


Break Reminder

How about a feature that would remind you to go teak a break every now and then? I would certainly find it usefull, 'cause working on a project for a few hours without taking a break is certainly a waiste of time!

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thomasdenk 2006-09-23 11:10

You could implement this in a plugin using maybe 10-15 lines of code (not counting the GUI stuff).

All you need to do is create a plugin using the wizard, create a wxTimer in the plugin's OnAttach() function (passing 'this' as the owner), and register a EVT_TIMER. Then display a wxMessageDialog saying "take a break"...

lallulli 2006-10-02 16:04

If I am not wrong, this feature is already present in a plugin, since it comes with the C::B games pack by byo.