Feature #2059 2006-03-29 22:23


find, replace [in files] dialogs

"Find" dialog and "Replace" dialog windows should be merged. A unique dialog for find and replace would be more ergonomic. This dialog would look like the current "Replace" dialog except that the "Replace with:" field would be activable/deactivable thanks to a check box. Same for "Find in files" and "Replace in files"(if the later ever is implemented).

One step further: "Find" and "Find in files" dialog tabs should be merged. A 4th scope "current file" would be added to the scop list of the current "Find in files". Options specific to some configurations would be grayed out in other configurations. A 5th scope "current seletion" migth be used to replace Find\scope=selected text.

These merges should not change anything in menu entries/icons/keyboard shortcut already present in C::B, i.e. "Find" icon and "Replace" icon would both remain present, both leading to the unique dialog window with adequate configuration.

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