Feature #2049 2006-03-27 03:14


Column Mode Editting

Switching between line mode (normal editting) and column mode. Column mode allows the user to copy, paste, edit, and delete rectangular selections. A number of text editors contain this feature. A good example would be Crimson Editor.

Close date
2006-05-16 11:20
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thomasdenk 2006-03-28 21:33

Code::Blocks supports this (as far as wxScintilla does). Hold down the Alt key while selecting.

Yes, there is a bug when pasting rectangular blocks into non-rectangular selections. Don't bother to report that, it is a wxScintilla issue. We cannot and will not fix it. It will eventually be fixed in wxScintilla.

mandrav 2006-05-16 11:20

Our part works ok.