Feature #1962 2006-03-15 09:26


Selection foreground color, cursor size

Code::Blocks allows you to change the background color of selected block, but it does not allow you to change the foreground color. There is button for foreground but it is disabled, ie. Code::Blocks allows user to change foreground color of nearly all other items, but not selection foreground. This feature would be extremely useful when changing the colors to suit users needs.

Another new feature request is to modify the way editing cursor is drawed. Currently Code::Blocks draws it as one pixel wide bar with "default" foreground color. Normally this works, but especially when you have the "brace matching" on, the cursor disappears very easily in the differently-colored blocks. Usually text/code editors draw the cursor as two-pixel wide bar with XOR operation, so no matter what the colors are, the cursor is always visible and it can be spotted easily.

Close date
2006-05-09 10:26
Assigned to
sethjackson 2006-03-29 18:25
z0b 2006-03-31 15:04

Cool, when can we expect to see this in nightlies?

sethjackson 2006-04-04 22:26

Yes. :)

sethjackson 2006-04-12 20:00

Oh I read the question wrong. LOL. It is in the newer nightlies. Try today's. April 12.

The patch for the first part is here. This ftr request can be closed. :)


mandrav 2006-05-09 10:26

This feature has been implemented in SVN. Thank you.

z0b 2006-05-19 18:26

Sorry it took me long to answer but I tested the May 17th nighly build and cursor size/color works and I can select foreground color for selection but it does it seems that the editor does not, fore some reason, use it. Don't know if the more recent builds fix this, since I haven't tested them yet.