Feature #1869 2006-02-23 19:47


folders in projecttree

It is not possible to add own folders in the project trees. There are only folders by "type" and "as on disc".

The logic on disc in not the same as in the project.

I need a feature like "create folder". So I can sort my files by myself.

Close date
2006-08-23 12:48
Assigned to
moonkid 2006-02-23 19:53

I tried a new "edit file types & categories".

"libzip" sorted by "libzip\lib\*.*;"

it does not work, too.

hartwork 2006-03-26 01:47

I second this request.

An option to turn off Sources/Headers/Others separation would be a great start and should be easy to implement.

Thanks in advance, Sebastian

moonkid 2006-06-12 08:08

This folders should be optinal shown in the symbol-tab too.

I need such folders to order/seperate my files logical in the project-file itself. If the symbols (classes, etc) are seperated the same way it would be great. It should be the same separation then with the files.

mandrav 2006-08-23 12:48

This feature has been implemented in SVN. Thank you.