Feature #1766 2006-02-15 00:30


Editor lexer support for keywords

I've made a lexer for FreeBasic, but in the road I found that C::B doesn't supports more than one "Language Keyword".

Currently it supports three Keyword groups: Language, User, and Documentation.

Scintilla haves 4 Language Keyword groups for Basic, so the lexer doesn't take in account all the keyword groups.

It would be good if new "Language" or Any other Keyword could be specified from the XML files. So the groups would be added dinamically, and you could have more groups than Language, User, and Documentation.

And it could lead to better separation of keywords (ie. I could separate the C keywords from the C++ keywords). They could use the same coloring or not, that's up to the XML lexer.

Close date
2006-03-01 13:06
Assigned to
mandrav 2006-03-01 13:06

Up to 9 keyword sets are now supported (scintilla's limit). What each set does, it depends on the specific lexer used. Instead of using <Language>, <User> and <Documentation> tags, please use <Set>. The "index" attribute defines the keyword set.