Bug #6968 2006-04-03 19:08


Wrong generated path in Makefile

Choosing an include directory containing spaces results in wrong path in the Makefile.

Adding "C:\Arquivos de programas\dir" and then reading the exported Makefile I found this as include path:

"C:/Arquivos\ de\ programas/dir"

and this results in an error when compiling. The compiler does not recognizes this directory path.

Also had some other problems related to this but I can't reproduce them right now.

Ps: Alternative way to make it work is:

Set for existing Makefile; export Makefile and change directory manually. Keep a copy of the manual Makefile and merge it with the new exported one for every change in build options.

Close date
2006-04-05 08:17
Assigned to
mandrav 2006-04-05 08:17

For this (and other) reason(s), the Makefile exporter has been removed from the SVN version.

It will be re-coded and added at a later time, when things have stabilized in the compiler front...