Bug #6820 2006-03-18 22:09


Line numbers mix up and part of text not shown

When you collapse a function and then mark and delete the line the line numbers where the collapsed piece of code was disapear.

i had to close the file so that they were shown again.

Close date
2006-03-22 12:34
Assigned to
thomasdenk 2006-03-20 17:51

Please provide the svn revision number (preferrably the complete

build information) with *every* bug report.

The complete build information is automatically copied to the

clipboard if you click the "Report a bug" link or the revision

string on the "Start Here" page.

Without accurate information, we are unable to reproduce and

address bugs.

aleskoprivnikar 2006-03-21 23:21

i am/was using CodeBlocks 1.0RC2 for windows.

i apologize for not including the information in the first place.

mandrav 2006-03-22 12:34

Please try with a nightly build and reopen this bug report, if


See http://www.codeblocks.org/nightly