Bug #6725 2006-03-08 22:34


Keyboard focus lost after successful compile.

Testing under Windows 2000 SP4 using build 2159, Mar 8 2006, 20:29:42 - wx2.6.2 (Windows, unicode), but also seen with several recent nightly builds.

With the keyboard focus in the editor, use Ctrl+Shift+F9 to compile the current file. After successful compilation the keyboard focus does not return to the editor without switching to another window and returning, or without moving the mouse. Specifically, if the mouse cursor is already within the editor and is only moved within this area then focus still does not return; but if it is moved outside and is then returned into the editor section then keyboard focus does return.

It feels like a Windows message to restore focus is stuck in the queue until a particular mouse event happens, or until the window is reactivated. The effect is that you cannot resume editing code without either reaching for the mouse or doing Alt-TAB twice after each compile.

Close date
2006-03-13 10:23
Assigned to
ID_24639 2006-03-09 02:18