Bug #6510 2006-02-20 19:23


Importing VC++ Project/Workspace

I am using codeblocks 1.0rc2
I extracted the sourecode from dxglwp-src-0.09.zip located at 

to my t:\ drive.

I then tried to import the workspace, and then the project and recieved the error log:

14:20:59: The path 't:d3d.cpp' contains too many ".."!
14:20:59: The path 't:idirect3d8.cpp' contains too many ".."!
14:20:59: The path 't:idirect3dbasetexture8.cpp' contains too many ".."!
14:20:59: The path 't:idirect3dcubetexture8.cpp' contains too many ".."!
14:20:59: The path 't:idirect3ddevice8.cpp' contains too many ".."!
14:20:59: The path 't:idirect3dindexbuffer8.cpp' contains too many ".."!
14:20:59: The path 't:idirect3dresource8.cpp' contains too many ".."!
14:20:59: The path 't:idirect3dsurface8.cpp' contains too many ".."!
14:21:00: The path 't:idirect3dswapchain8.cpp' contains too many ".."!
14:21:00: The path 't:idirect3dtexture8.cpp' contains too many ".."!
14:21:00: The path 't:idirect3dvertexbuffer8.cpp' contains too many ".."!
14:21:00: The path 't:idirect3dvolume8.cpp' contains too many ".."!
14:21:00: The path 't:idirect3dvolumetexture8.cpp' contains too many ".."!
14:21:00: The path 't:dxgl.h' contains too many ".."!
14:21:00: The path 't:dxglinit.h' contains too many ".."!
14:21:00: The path 't:dxglver.h' contains too many ".."!
14:21:00: The path 't:wglext.h' contains too many ".."!
14:21:00: The path 't:windefs.h' contains too many ".."!
14:21:00: The path 't:d3d8.rc' contains too many ".."!
14:21:00: The path 't:direct3d.bmp' contains too many ".."!
14:21:01: The path 't:entrypoint.cpp' contains too many ".."!
14:21:01: The path 't:glLoadFragmentShaderATI.c' contains too many ".."!
14:21:01: The path 't:glLoadVertexShaderEXT.c' contains too many ".."!
14:21:01: The path 't:mcd.c' contains too many ".."!
14:21:01: The path 't:mcd.h' contains too many ".."!
14:21:01: The path 't:wglext.cpp' contains too many ".."!
14:21:01: The path 't:entrypoint.cpp' contains too many ".."!
Close date
2006-02-21 11:57
Assigned to
gmlime 2006-02-20 19:25

I don't know if it makes any difference, but it is a network drive, and the program imports fine with VC++ .net 2003

mandrav 2006-02-21 11:57

This bug has been already fixed in HEAD.

Thank you.