Bug #19263 2014-01-28 16:33


Path slashes in project flip on save between windows and nix

When saving a project after modification (addition of project files, libraries, etc), all the slashes in the project file flip to those appropriate for the current platform. However, this affects even those targets intended for other platforms or to which no modification has taken place.

As a result, when modifying the same project from both windows and linux, every alternate save switches all / slashes to \ and vice versa, which makes an unnecessary mess in the revision control system.

Ideally when saving, CB should standardise on posix style forward slashes, and when running on windows treat those as backslashes but still save as posix style to avoid unnecessary flip-flopping on file save.

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ollydbg 2014-02-28 06:11

Hi, which version C::B do you use? Current C::B use a unified path separator (/).