Bug #18797 2012-11-16 00:58


CBP file in different directory to cpp/h breaks wxSmith

When the CBP file is moved and manually edited to point to the wxSmith related cpp/h files from another directory, wxSmith can no longer add an event hanlder correctly to control, no event is assigned in the GUI and the Connect(...) is not generated, but the function header/definition is generated in the cpp/h file.

There does not seem to be a way of attaching files so here is the file structure:

|-- BrokenProjectApp.cpp

|-- BrokenProjectApp.h

|-- BrokenProjectMain.cpp

|-- BrokenProjectMain.h

`-- subdir

|-- BrokenProject.cbp

|-- BrokenProject.depend

|-- BrokenProject.layout

`-- wxsmith

`-- BrokenProjectframe.wxs

I started with a brand new wxWidgets project. Change the directory structure. Added a panel and button. Tried adding a new event handler on the button. wxSmith does not assign the event, leaves it as "-- None --", but it does the create the function prototype and code in BrokeProjectMain.cpp/h. However it is missing the Connect(...) call.

Tested it on Linux/Windows, version 10.05 and 12.11-RC1.

Close date
2012-11-26 10:29
Assigned to
mortenmacfly 2012-11-26 10:29

Manually editing project files is error prone and not supported. If you use wxSmith the way it was designed all is OK.

Marking as invalid therefore and closing.