Bug #17904 2011-02-03 23:49


Massive memory usage when saving a large file

I just wrote a program to embed a file into a .h, the standard way, just putting it in a string. Feeling brave, I tested it with a 2MB file, which resulted in a 3MB source file with over 200,000 lines.

A bug in my metaprogram caused the .h file to have errors, so I clicked on the error and corrected it and pressed ctrl+s. Okay, silly of me to do this, but CodeBlocks reacted much worse than I imagined, it ate all 24GB of physical RAM and 20GB of my swap before I was forced to kill it.

The file had unix line endings because it came from a Linux command line, and I have Windows line ending set, if this makes any difference.

I am using "Release 10.05 rev 0" from Ubuntu's software repository.

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mortenmacfly 2011-02-08 06:49

Can you provide a sample though the forums, please (including a reference to this)?