Bug #17724 2010-11-21 00:42


Context Help Problem

Since there isn't a Documentation: Error category I used App: Error as closest.

Using 10.05 on Windows, in the multi-file search configuration dialog, pressing F1 when the Regular Expression box is selected, whether checked or unchecked, doesn't bring up the page that shows the effect and what regular expression syntax the program recognizes.

Searching the general Help/Codeblocks file doesn't show a page like this either.

Both *nix and Windows have a variety of engines for parsing regular expressions, so just saying "Use a RegEx" isn't sufficient documentation.

There is nothing on this in the Wiki either.

Please Spell it out in a full wiki page, at the least; don't just put a link to an external doc that might change at any time and thus be irrelevant to what is implemented, or some other copout like that.

Thank you.

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