Bug #14240 2008-07-19 14:52


loosing focus when switching files with ctrl+tab

When I have 'drop-down list' enabled in 'settings->env settigs->notebook appearence' and I use 'ctrl+tab' to switch files in the editor, the new file don't have the focus and I'can edit it.

I'm running r5142 on gentoo linux amd64

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killerbot 2008-08-01 16:09

works for me : just tested it with rev 5172 on OpenSuse 10.2 (64 bit). (wx 2.8.4).

Could you retry ??

andreyu 2008-08-03 11:03

Build 5171 and 5177 loosing focus for me too.

Gentoo Linux.

tpetrov 2008-08-05 21:35

The bug is still present in r5177. The problem might be related to the fact that I'm using Enlightenment for WM, not Gnome or KDE. The other machine that I use to run C::B the ctrl+tab switching is working fine (arch linux 32bit + gnome)

tpetrov 2008-08-08 22:16

I've deleted the ~/.codeblocks directory and the problem disappeared

andreyu 2008-08-19 15:55

Build 5189 - same behavior. Try on KDE-3.5.9 and WMII-3.6.


You should enable "Smart Tab-switching scheme" in "Environment settings".

andreyu 2008-08-19 15:57


And now enable "Smart Tab-switching scheme" in "Environment settings".

Bug appear only with this option enabled.

ID_50357 2009-02-15 19:17

I'm getting the same behavior, CB 8.02 on a relatively vanilla Ubuntu 8.10. With "Smart Tab-switching" off, I get the usual tab behavior with Ctrl-Tab (e.g. Firefox-like) and focus is maintained as expected. With "Smart Tab-switching" on, I get the nice open-tabs dropdown, but when a tab's selected, it comes to the forefront without actually getting the cursor focus (until clicked on).