Bug #14035 2008-06-15 05:02


OpenSource software does not like Microsoft Windows

I installed CodeBlocks 8.0.2 and wxWidgets 2.8.7., compiled debug and release wxWidgets. Problems

1) typing

mingw32-make.exe -f makefile.gcc clean USE_XRC=1 SHARED=1 MONOLITHIC=1 BUILD=release UNICODE=1

to clean some space produces error

"C:\Program" is not application...

2) creating application with wxWidgets + wxSmith and trying to compile produces following error:

-------------- Build: Debug in wxTest ---------------

Compiling: resource.rc

C:\Projects\wxTest\resource.rc:3:24: wx/msw/wx.rc: No such file or directory

gcc: Files\wxWidgets-2.8.7\include: No such file or directory

gcc: Files\wxWidgets-2.8.7\lib\gcc_dll\mswud: No such file or directory

windres.exe: preprocessing failed.

Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 2 seconds)

2 errors, 0 warnings

I know only one solution to this problem is wxPack, but I dont want download 250Mb.

Close date
2008-06-15 09:16
Assigned to
biplab 2008-06-15 09:16

Please don't make a dramatic bug report. This is not a bug in Code::Blocks. It's a bug in another software that you are using.