Patch #899 2006-03-06 09:34


Building rev 2142 without precompiled headers (linux)
899-Building_rev_21.patch (764 bytes)
Close date
2006-03-07 09:22
Assigned to
Index: src/sdk/editorlexerloader.cpp
--- src/sdk/editorlexerloader.cpp    (revision 2142)
+++ src/sdk/editorlexerloader.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
     #include "manager.h"
     #include "messagemanager.h"
     #include <wx/dynarray.h>
+    #include <wx/wxscintilla.h>
 #include "editorcolorset.h"
Index: src/sdk/editkeywordsdlg.cpp
--- src/sdk/editkeywordsdlg.cpp    (revision 2142)
+++ src/sdk/editkeywordsdlg.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
     #include <wx/xrc/xmlres.h>
     #include <wx/spinctrl.h>
     #include <wx/textctrl.h>
+    #include <wx/wxscintilla.h>
 #include "editkeywordsdlg.h"
yop 2006-03-06 09:36

Some missing includes when building with a compiler that does not support precompiled headers. Applies to rev 2142, tested on SuSe Linux 9.3, gcc 3.3.5

killerbot 2006-03-06 23:13

could you please tell me on what lines your compiler gives errors ??

I seem to think that wxScintilla is not the correct header to include (I don't seem to find any types from that header or those defines in it) being used in the 2 mentioned files.

yop 2006-03-07 23:46

You 're right you won't find it in any of these two files but if you check the rest of the included headers you'll see editorcolorset.h included

where class wxScintilla is forward declared, so you have to include wxScintilla header in these two files before editorcolorset.h