Patch #885 2006-03-02 21:40


F77 lexer
885-F77_lexer.patch (2.9 KB)
Close date
2006-03-03 09:07
Assigned to
Index: src/sdk/resources/lexers/lexer_f77.xml
--- src/sdk/resources/lexers/lexer_f77.xml    (revision 2119)
+++ src/sdk/resources/lexers/lexer_f77.xml    (working copy)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
         <Lexer name="Fortran77"
-                filemasks="*.f,*.for,*.f77,*.cmn,*.inc">
+                filemasks="*.f,*.for,*.f77">
                 <Style name="Default"
@@ -64,25 +64,21 @@
-                        <Language index="0"
-                                value="assign backspace block
-                                call character close continue common complex
-                                data dimension double precision do
-                                entry equivalence external else end enddo endfile endif
-                                format function go goto to if implicit inquire integer intrinsic
-                                logical none open parameter pause print program
-                                read real return rewind save sequence stop subroutine
-                                then to write
-                                abs acos aimag alog10 amax0 amax1 amin0 amin1 amod anint
-                                asin atan atan2
-                                  cabs ccos cexp clog cmplx conjg cos cosh csin csqrt
-                                dabs dacos dasin datan datan2 dble dcos dcosh ddim
-                                dexp dim dint dlog dlog10 dmax0 dmax1 dmin0 dmin1 dmod
-                                dprod dsign dsin dsqrt dtan dtanh exp float fmt
-                                ichar idim idint ifix index int isign
-                                len lge lgt lle llt log log10 max max0 max1 min min0 min1 mod
-                                real sign sin sngl sqrt tan tanh
-                                formatted unformatted unit"/>
+                        <!-- Primary keywords and identifiers -->
+                        <Set index="0"
+                            value="assign backspace block call character close continue common
+                                   complex data dimension double precision do entry equivalence
+                                   external else end enddo endfile endif format function go goto to
+                                   if implicit inquire integer intrinsic logical none open parameter
+                                   pause print program read real return rewind save sequence stop
+                                   subroutine then to write abs acos aimag alog10 amax0 amax1 amin0
+                                   amin1 amod anint asin atan atan2 cabs ccos cexp clog cmplx conjg
+                                   cos cosh csin csqrt dabs dacos dasin datan datan2 dble dcos dcosh
+                                   ddim dexp dim dint dlog dlog10 dmax0 dmax1 dmin0 dmin1 dmod dprod
+                                   dsign dsin dsqrt dtan dtanh exp float fmt ichar idim idint ifix
+                                   index int isign len lge lgt lle llt log log10 max max0 max1 min
+                                   min0 min1 mod real sign sin sngl sqrt tan tanh formatted
+                                   unformatted unit"/>
                 <SampleCode value="lexer_f77.sample"