Patch #3180 2011-06-30 05:02


Single quote, double quote and curly brace completion patch
3180-Single_quote_d.patch (16.7 KB)
Close date
2012-12-13 15:35
Assigned to
diff -uNrp trunk/src/sdk/cbeditor.cpp
--- trunk/src/sdk/cbeditor.cpp    2011-07-01 10:20:10.413777450 +0600
+++    2011-07-01 10:21:05.995740557 +0600
@@ -295,98 +295,305 @@ struct cbEditorInternalData
         return -1;
-    void DoBraceCompletion(const wxChar& ch)
+    // checks whether 'position' is in a C-style string
+    bool IsInString( int position )
         cbStyledTextCtrl* control = m_pOwner->GetControl();
-        int pos = control->GetCurrentPos();
-        int style = control->GetStyleAt(pos);
-        if ( control->IsComment(style) || control->IsPreprocessor(style) )
-            return;
-        if (ch == _T('\'') || ch == _T('"'))
+        bool inChar = false;
+        bool inString = false;
+        // we check if previous line has \ at the end, thus carrying a string to the current line
+        if (control->LineFromPosition(position) > 0)
-            if (   (control->GetCharAt(pos) == ch)
-                && (control->GetCharAt(pos - 2) != _T('\\')) )
-            {
-                control->DeleteBack();
-                control->GotoPos(pos);
-            }
-            else
+            wxString prevLine = control->GetLine(control->LineFromPosition(position) - 1);
+            prevLine.Trim(true);
+            if (prevLine.Length() > 0 && prevLine[prevLine.Length() - 1] == _T('\\') &&
+                IsInString(control->GetLineEndPosition(control->LineFromPosition(position) - 1)))
+                inString = true;
+        }
+        int lineStartPos = control->PositionFromLine(control->LineFromPosition(position));
+        for (int curPos = lineStartPos; curPos <= position; curPos++ )
+        {
+            if (!inString && control->GetCharAt(curPos) == _T('\'') && control->GetCharAt(curPos - 1) != _T('\\'))
+                inChar = !inChar;
+            else if (!inChar && control->GetCharAt(curPos) == _T('"') && control->GetCharAt(curPos - 1) != _T('\\'))
+                inString = !inString;
+        }
+        return inString;
+    }
+    // checks whether 'position' is in a C-style character
+    bool IsInCharacter( int position )
+    {
+        cbStyledTextCtrl* control = m_pOwner->GetControl();
+        if (IsInString(position))
+            return false;
+        bool inChar = false;
+        int lineStartPos = control->PositionFromLine(control->LineFromPosition(position));
+        for (int curPos = lineStartPos; curPos <= position; curPos++)
+        {
+            if (control->GetCharAt(curPos) == _T('\'') && control->GetCharAt(curPos - 1) != _T('\\'))
+                inChar = !inChar;
+        }
+        return inChar;
+    }
+    void DoSingleQuoteCompletion(const wxChar& ch, cbStyledTextCtrl* control, int pos, int style)
+    {
+        if ( (control->GetCharAt(pos) == ch) && (pos > 1) && (control->GetCharAt(pos-2) != _T('\\')) )
+        {
+            control->DeleteBack();
+            control->GotoPos(pos);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if ( (control->GetCharAt(pos-2) == _T('\\')) || control->IsCharacter(style) )
+                return;
+            // if ' is entered inside a character, we check if this character has closing '
+            // if so, then we should add another closing ', otherwise do nothing
+            bool needToClose = !IsInCharacter(pos - 2);
+            for (int nextPos = control->GetCurrentPos() ;
+                 nextPos < control->GetLineEndPosition(control->GetCurrentLine());
+                 nextPos++)
-                const wxChar left = control->GetCharAt(pos - 2);
-                const wxChar right = control->GetCharAt(pos);
-                if (   control->IsCharacter(style)
-                    || control->IsString(style)
-                    || left == _T('\\')
-                    || (   (left > _T(' '))
-                        && (left != _T('('))
-                        && (left != _T('=')) )
-                    || (   (right > _T(' '))
-                        && (right != _T(')')) ) )
+                if (control->GetCharAt(nextPos) == _T('\'') && control->GetCharAt(nextPos - 1) != _T('\\'))
-                    return;
+                    needToClose = !needToClose;
+                    break;
+            }
+            if (needToClose)
+            {
-            return;
-        if ( control->IsCharacter(style) || control->IsString(style) )
-            return;
-        const wxString leftBrace(_T("([{"));
-        const wxString rightBrace(_T(")]}"));
-        int index = leftBrace.Find(ch);
-        const wxString unWant(_T(");\n\r\t\b "));
-        const wxChar nextChar = control->GetCharAt(pos);
-        #if wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 9, 0)
-        if ((index != wxNOT_FOUND) && ((unW
download for full patch...
dpurgin 2011-06-30 05:37

Discussion and description at CB forum:,14931.0.html

mortenmacfly 2011-06-30 06:39

Could you please provide a patch against trunk?

dpurgin 2011-07-01 04:35

Patch against rev. 7268

mortenmacfly 2012-07-07 14:46

I still cannot apply this patch. Could you create it using:

svn diff > my.patch the root of C::B's SVN folder, please?

mortenmacfly 2012-12-13 15:35

...any news here?