Index: lexer_ada.sample
--- lexer_ada.sample (revision 0)
+++ lexer_ada.sample (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+with ada.text_io;
+procedure HALLO_01 is
+ VOR : character;
+ NACH : character;
+ ada.text_io.put(item => "Bitte geben Sie Ihre Initialen (z.B. AB) ein: ");
+ ada.text_io.get(item => VOR);
+ ada.text_io.get(item => NACH);
+ ada.text_io.put(item => "Hallo " & VOR & NACH & ", wie geht es?");
+ ada.text_io.new_line;
+end HALLO_01;
Index: lexer_ada.xml
--- lexer_ada.xml (revision 0)
+++ lexer_ada.xml (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE CodeBlocks_lexer_properties>
+ <Lexer name="Ada"
+ index="20"
+ filemasks="*.ads,*.adb">
+ <!--#define wxSCI_ADA_DEFAULT 0-->
+ <Style name="Default"
+ index="0"
+ fg="0,0,0"
+ bg="255,255,255"
+ bold="0"
+ italics="0"
+ underlined="0"/>
+ <!--#define wxSCI_ADA_NUMBER 3-->
+ <Style name="Number"
+ index="3"
+ fg="255,128,00"/>
+ <!--fg="240,0,240"/-->
+ <!--#define wxSCI_ADA_COMMENTLINE 10-->
+ <Style name="Comment"
+ index="10"
+ fg="0,128,00"/>
+ <!--#define wxSCI_ADA_STRING 7
+ #define wxSCI_ADA_STRINGEOL 8-->
+ <Style name="String"
+ index="7,8"
+ fg="128,128,128"/>
+ <!--#define wxSCI_ADA_IDENTIFIER 2-->
+ <Style name="Identifier"
+ index="2"
+ fg="0,0,0"/>
+ <!--#define wxSCI_ADA_CHARACTER 5
+ #define wxSCI_ADA_CHARACTEREOL 6-->
+ <Style name="Character"
+ index="5,6"
+ fg="128,128,128"/>
+ <!--#define wxSCI_ADA_WORD 1 -->
+ <!--keywordClass="instre1" /> -->
+ <Style name="Instruction-Word"
+ index="1"
+ fg="0,0,255"
+ bold="1"/>
+ <!-- #define wxSCI_ADA_DELIMITER 4 -->
+ <Style name="Delimiter"
+ index="4"
+ fg="255,128,128"
+ bold="1"/>
+ <!-- #define wxSCI_ADA_LABEL 9 -->
+ <Style name="Label"
+ index="9"
+ fg="128,64,0"/>
+ <!-- #define wxSCI_ADA_ILLEGAL 11 -->
+ <Style name="Illegal"
+ index="11"
+ fg="255,0,0"/>
+ <Style name="Selection"
+ index="-99"
+ bg="192,192,192"/>
+ <Style name="Active line"
+ index="-98"
+ bg="255,255,160"/>
+ <Style name="Breakpoint line"
+ index="-2"
+ bg="255,160,160"/>
+ <Style name="Debugger active line"
+ index="-3"
+ bg="160,160,255"/>
+ <Style name="Compiler error line"
+ index="-4"
+ bg="255,128,0"/>
+ <Style name="Matching brace highlight"
+ index="34"
+ bg="128,255,255"
+ bold="1"/>
+ <Style name="No matching brace highlight"
+ index="35"
+ fg="255,255,255"
+ bg="255,0,0"
+ bold="1"/>
+ <Keywords>
+ <!-- Primary keywords and identifiers -->
+ <Set index="0"
+ value="abort abstract accept access aliased all and array
+ at begin body case constant declare delay delta digits
+ do else elsif end entry exception exit for function
+ generic goto if in is limited loop new not null of
+ others out or package pragma private procedure protected
+ raise range record renames requeue return reverse select
+ separate subtype tagged task terminate then type until
+ use when while with"/>
+ </Keywords>
+ <SampleCode value="lexer_ada.sample"
+ breakpoint_line="32"
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