Patch #1743 2006-12-19 23:06


To allow to modify Custom build for a file from a script
1743-To_allow_to_mo.patch (3.2 KB)
Close date
2007-04-12 11:02
Assigned to
Index: src/sdk/projectfile.cpp
--- src/sdk/projectfile.cpp    (revision 3398)
+++ src/sdk/projectfile.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -214,6 +214,28 @@
+void ProjectFile::SetUseCustomBuildCommand(const wxString& compilerId, bool useCustomBuildCommand)
+    customBuild[compilerId].useCustomBuildCommand = useCustomBuildCommand;
+void ProjectFile::SetCustomBuildCommand(const wxString& compilerId, const wxString& newBuildCommand)
+    customBuild[compilerId].buildCommand = newBuildCommand;
+bool ProjectFile::GetUseCustomBuildCommand(const wxString& compilerId)
+    return customBuild[compilerId].useCustomBuildCommand;
+wxString ProjectFile::GetCustomBuildCommand(const wxString& compilerId)
+    return customBuild[compilerId].buildCommand;
 // pfDetails
Index: src/sdk/projectfile.h
--- src/sdk/projectfile.h    (revision 3398)
+++ src/sdk/projectfile.h    (working copy)
@@ -135,6 +135,19 @@
           * This is a relative path which doesn't have to exist in the filesystem
           * hierarchy. */
         wxString virtual_path;
+        /** Modify 'Use custom command to build this file' for a compilerId. */
+        void SetUseCustomBuildCommand(const wxString& compilerId, bool useCustomBuildCommand);
+        /** Modify customBuild command for a compilerId. */
+        void SetCustomBuildCommand(const wxString& compilerId, const wxString& newBuildCommand);
+        /** Read 'Use custom command to build this file' for a compilerId. */
+        bool GetUseCustomBuildCommand(const wxString& compilerId);
+        /** Read customBuild command for a compilerId. */
+        wxString GetCustomBuildCommand(const wxString& compilerId);
         friend class cbProject;
         void DoUpdateFileDetails(ProjectBuildTarget* target);
Index: src/sdk/scripting/bindings/scriptbindings.cpp
--- src/sdk/scripting/bindings/scriptbindings.cpp    (revision 3398)
+++ src/sdk/scripting/bindings/scriptbindings.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -331,7 +331,11 @@
                 func(&ProjectFile::GetObjName, "GetObjName").
                 func(&ProjectFile::SetObjName, "SetObjName").
                 func(&ProjectFile::GetParentProject, "GetParentProject").
-                var(&ProjectFile::file, "file").
+                func(&ProjectFile::SetUseCustomBuildCommand, "SetUseCustomBuildCommand").
+                func(&ProjectFile::SetCustomBuildCommand, "SetCustomBuildCommand").
+                func(&ProjectFile::GetUseCustomBuildCommand, "GetUseCustomBuildCommand").
+                func(&ProjectFile::GetCustomBuildCommand, "GetCustomBuildCommand").
+                var(&ProjectFile::file, "file").
                 var(&ProjectFile::relativeFilename, "relativeFilename").
                 var(&ProjectFile::relativeToCommonTopLevelPath, "relativeToCommonTopLevelPath").
                 var(&ProjectFile::compile, "compile").
naika 2006-12-19 23:06

From a script, one can modify some options of a file (Compile, Link, Belong in targets, Priority weight) but not Custom build.

This patch adds commands in the ProjectFile object for reading and modifying the checkbox "Use custom command to build this file" and the build command.

mandrav 2007-04-12 11:02

Patch applied, thank you.