Patch #1731 2006-12-18 19:08


scripting patch for wxWidgets 2.8
1731-scripting_patc.patch (1.5 KB)
Close date
2007-01-02 11:02
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Index: src/sdk/scripting/bindings/sc_globals.cpp
--- src/sdk/scripting/bindings/sc_globals.cpp    (revision 3393)
+++ src/sdk/scripting/bindings/sc_globals.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -81,7 +81,11 @@
     SQInteger wx_GetColourFromUser(HSQUIRRELVM v)
         StackHandler sa(v);
+#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 8, 0)
+        wxColour c = sa.GetParamCount() == 2 ? *SqPlus::GetInstance<wxColour>(v, 2) : *wxBLACK;
         wxColour& c = sa.GetParamCount() == 2 ? *SqPlus::GetInstance<wxColour>(v, 2) : *wxBLACK;
         return SqPlus::ReturnCopy(v, wxGetColourFromUser(Manager::Get()->GetAppWindow(), c));
     long wx_GetNumberFromUser(const wxString& message, const wxString& prompt, const wxString& caption, long value)
Index: src/sdk/scripting/bindings/sc_wxtypes.cpp
--- src/sdk/scripting/bindings/sc_wxtypes.cpp    (revision 3393)
+++ src/sdk/scripting/bindings/sc_wxtypes.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -229,7 +229,11 @@
                 func(&wxArrayString::GetCount, "GetCount").
                 func(&wxArrayString::Item, "Item");

+#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 8, 0)
+        typedef void(wxColour::*WXC_SET)(const unsigned char, const unsigned char, const unsigned char, const unsigned char);
        typedef void(wxColour::*WXC_SET)(const unsigned char, const unsigned char, const unsigned char);
                 staticFuncVarArgs(&wxColour_OpToString, "_tostring", "").
stahta01 2006-12-18 19:10

Patches to src/sdk/scripting/bindings sc_wxtypes.cpp and sc_globals.cpp for mainly wxColour minor changes. Tim S

stahta01 2006-12-18 22:55

Problem 1: This statement did NOT work with wxW2.8.0

wxColour& c = sa.GetParamCount() == 2 ? *SqPlus::GetInstance<wxColour>(v, 2) : *wxBLACK;

Error 1: invalid initialization of reference of type 'wxColour&' from expression of type 'const wxColour'

Solution 1: Changed "wxColour& c =" to "wxColour c =", note I am NOT sure if this is a valid fix, but it compiles now.

Change 2: The constructor of wxColour has a added parameter of alpha.

wxColour(unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue, unsigned char alpha=wxALPHA_OPAQUE)

Problem 2: Caused func<WXC_SET>(&wxColour::Set, "Set"); to fail.

Solution 2: Added 4th parameter to typedef void(wxColour::*WXC_SET).

Tim S

killerbot 2006-12-27 10:45

Yiannis could you have a look at this patch for the scripting, I am not so confident in that area.

mandrav 2007-01-02 10:02

Regarding problem1, seems like they changed wxBLACK from "wxColour*" to "const wxColour*".

The way to fix it (w/out using #ifdef) is to just change "wxColour& c = ..." to "const wxColour& c = ...".

killerbot 2007-01-02 11:02

applied with the suggestion from Yiannis