Patch #1157 2006-06-23 18:39


same action in project tree for "Sources" as for project
1157-same_action_in.patch (555 bytes)
Close date
2007-04-12 11:31
Assigned to
Index: src/sdk/projectmanager.cpp
--- src/sdk/projectmanager.cpp    (revision 2602)
+++ src/sdk/projectmanager.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@
     if (ftd)
         // if it is a project...
-        if (ftd->GetKind() == FileTreeData::ftdkProject)
+        if ( (ftd->GetKind() == FileTreeData::ftdkProject) || (ftd->GetKind() == FileTreeData::ftdkVirtualGroup) )
             if (ftd->GetProject() != m_pActiveProject)
                 menu.Append(idMenuSetActiveProject, _("Activate project"));
kaischroeder 2006-06-23 18:42

show the same context menu for virtual groups like "Sources", "Headers" in the project tree as is shown for the project.

fixes 11) of

kaischroeder 2006-06-23 18:45

actually it does not show the build options.

artoj 2006-10-07 21:47

This patch won't be applied in its current state. It adds menu items such as "Close project" to the Sources popup menu which don't belong there.

The reason of the lack of a popup menu is most likely because Sources and Headers are not to be controlled by the user. Code::Blocks itself will decide which files will go to Sources and which to Headers etc. so you can't add files to Headers which dont' belong there.

Since this patch is invalid, I'm requesting this to be closed.

kaischroeder 2007-04-12 11:43

oh, I forgot this one. yes I agree