Patch #1156 2006-06-23 18:37


Make Ok come first in tab_traversal of select target dialog
1156-Make_Ok_come_f.patch (450 bytes)
Close date
2006-06-25 10:34
Assigned to
Index: src/sdk/selecttargetdlg.cpp
--- src/sdk/selecttargetdlg.cpp    (revision 2602)
+++ src/sdk/selecttargetdlg.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
+    XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_OK", wxButton)->MoveBeforeInTabOrder (XRCCTRL(*this, "lstItems", wxListBox));
kaischroeder 2006-06-23 18:39

assume that the right target has already been selected, so that pressing enter after ctrl-f10 runs the program

thomasdenk 2006-06-25 09:51

What exactly is the concern with this patch?

The OK button is the dialog's default button and it has the tab focus, too. I tried pressing Ctrl-F10 and Enter about a dozen times in HEAD and it sure launched the selected target every time.

kaischroeder 2006-06-25 09:56

it is the default button but the listbox has the tab focus here (on linux). does it still work correctly on windows with this patch?

thomasdenk 2006-06-25 10:34

Makes absolutely no difference here.

Oh well, it looks harmless enough, and I am too lazy to reboot into Linux now only to try and reproduce so small a thing, so I'll trust your word on it ;)

In either case we don't really lose anything by applying this patch, it's only doing what should be the case anyway. :)