Feature #5733 2014-03-04 04:41


Projects Management - Folder Option

I just thought I would make a request, I had been using visual studio 2013 to write my C programs, and if y'all added this feature I imagine it would make beginner C programmer's lives a lot easier. Visual Studio gives the option for the user to add a folder within their work-space where they can then put projects inside of, this makes it easier and more user- friendly for beginners like me who are working their way through 800+ page books with tons of exercises. Normally what I do is I create a folder and label it Chapter_7 and I then create the projects inside of that folder and add the main.c files under those projects. This allows me to jump back and forth to older exercises from chapter's I have already covered in case I find myself having trouble remembering how to write a specific code out properly. If you would add that feature I would really appreciate it.

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