Feature #5290 2011-03-10 11:49


Function Coding Aid C(!)/C++

In the the "right click menu" is available "Add/Edit variable, function or method on pointer". Then a wizard pops up, with abilityes to specify variable/function/"procedure"/method identifier type of the value returned, and lower a table, where it is possible to specify parameters' names and theyre types. As a result You get the declaration, reference and implementation of function printed properly in apptoptiate sections.

File structure: //Libraries // declarations of functions and variables > void functionName( types......);

main(){ ... functionName( paramNames); ...


// implementations of functions..... void functionName(paramReceiving) { .....implementation.... }

Else it would be great to implement the ability to view all three types of function mentioning (declaration, reference and implementation) in one place in the "Symbols" plugin. : right click>observe code. With a little window popping up with 3+ text editing areas: declaration, reference and implementation. So you can make changes to function in a one place without scrolling the whole code.

Please, if any questions or suggestions - e-mail to me.

My level of programming may be too poor, but may be if some body gives me a little support, I could implement this myself.

With every respect, Daniel.

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ollydbg 2011-03-22 13:32

not quite understand about your idea. can you write a post in the c::b's forum. then we can discuss and hopefully implement this feature.

ollydbg from c::b forum.