Feature #5197 2010-12-15 05:07


C::B "Find" is very slow and modal

I've got a project with 62,581 source files in it. This causes all sorts of problems, one of which is...

1 - "Find in Project" takes 7 MINUTES to bring up the "Find in Files" dialog with the "Cancel" option.

2 - So it is wedged for 7 minutes before it can be canceled.

3 - That dialog is MODAL and won't allow anything else to be done until it has finished or is canceled.

4 - The "Find" in Visual Studio runs in a separate thread. While it is "finding" the IDE is still usable. Could "Find" run in another thread here too?

5 - Then it took over 5 minutes to "search inside the files".

6 - Code::Blocks seems to be single-threaded. This is a performance bottleneck on my 8-core machine.

For reference, a "time find . -type f | xargs grep xxx" in the same tree takes 30 seconds to find and search them all, so there's some room for improvement in the searching.

Close date
2010-12-22 05:53
Assigned to
jenslody 2010-12-22 05:53

You should use the ThreadSearch-plugin. It's part of the contrib-plugins and either installed with the contrib-plugins-package (on linux) or by rerunning the installer and chosing the plugin in the install-options on windows. For more informations see http://www.codeblocks.org/user-manual Jens