Feature #5041 2010-06-25 07:28


Assembly languages

Could you include assembly languages as some of the languages supported by Code::Blocks? I'm a student and two different classes I've taken use the following IDE's/emulators:

emu8086 (Intel 8086 assembly syntax, compiler/debugger and emulator - www.emu8086.com)

MiniIDE (Motorola assembly syntax, compiler for 68HC12 Evaluation Board "EVB" - www.mgtek.com/miniide) M68HC12EVB Simulator (hcs12text.com/freesim.html)

It would be great to be able to program my c++ assignments and my assembly assignments in the same IDE. It would be AWESOME if I could emulate the assembly programs through C::B too!

Just a suggestion.. Thanks!

Programming Languages
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