Feature #4138 2008-05-06 13:03


Handle doc/view architecture in wxSmith

I am trying to code a MDI application with doc/view architecture with wxSmith.

When creating a new frame handled by wxSmith, (wxSmith menu, add wxFrame option), in Advanced Options, I can specify the base frame class. It works with base classes such as wxMDIChildFrame or wxMDIParentFrame. It doesn't with wxDocMDIChildFrame or wxDocMDIParentFrame classes. Code doesn't compile.

This is due to the fact that wxSmith generates a Create function call inside the constructor of the frame. But in doc/view architecture, parameters passed to Create are different (you need a doc manager, for example) and apparently you don't event need this call to Create. wxSmith should behave slightly differently in this context.

It would be nice to add a checkbox "Doc/view" in wxSmith's wizard and adapt the code generated by wxSmith.

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