Feature #3875 2007-11-30 22:11


Syntax-highlightning and Navigation


I have a suggestion concerning the syntax highlightning: It would be great if the brackets surrounding a piece of code would not only be highlightet when the cursor is on them, but also when the cursor is in between the starting and ending bracket. That way it is always clear in which hierarchy level your are in.

Another suggestion concerning navigation in source code. There is already a feature to find implementation and declaration of for example a class. A nice feature would be a back and forward button to immediately navigate back to the piece of code where you came from. This commands should be added to the forward and backward buttons of the mouse. Furthermore it would helpfult to start the search for the declaration of a class not from the context- menu but by a mouse-double-click. All in all this kind of navigation would be similar to webbrowsing, which is very easy and efficient.

Best regards, Florian

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