Feature #3785 2007-10-10 08:05


Select different folder for .cpp & .h

Hi, byo

please make it possible to select diffrent folder for gnerated .cpp,.h and .xrc files in "new wxDialog/wxPanel/wxFrame resource dialog"

And it would be great too if we can select the folder for generated wxsmith(.wxs) file.

i imagine a button to select a folder.

Thanks in advance

Best regards

Jefri S

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oswaldmi 2007-10-12 12:52

This feature would be nice in the Class wizard too. I am working on a large project and source and header files go into different directories.

I made a quick hack to include this feature into the class-wizard (just doubled the file/folder selection for .h files to .cpp files). It's just a quick fix, but if somebody is interested maybe I can check it in.

lg, Michael