Feature #3698 2007-08-28 15:07




Like the new editor. Just started using it a few weeks
ago. Crashed only once or twice but saves everything
anyway before compile so no data lost yet.

There are a few little problems.

1) If compiler is GNU, then change to VCPP, and then
change back to GNU, the VCPP options get stuck in the
project .cbp file which causes the GNU compiler to
complain. Only way to fix is manually open the .cbp
file and delete the VCPP options. Is this intentional
where I must make a build target for each compiler
type? If so then ignore this line.

2) Editor was slow as hell. Giving me bad tiredness and
making me sleepy. Then I turned windows XP visual
themes off in windows control panel and the code blocks
editor works(literally) 2 to 4 times faster. tabbing
between open files is instant and compiling is even
quicker. Something to do with wx or the way the
application is refreshing I dont know. Would have
really helped to know that 3 weeks ago when I started
using the codeblocks as I move from delphi to CPP.

3) Codeblocks editor has no decent block select and
block paste. Means I have to keep Delphi editor open
for the high speed editing of sections that require
block select(EG long list of consts, big case
statement). If you need to see that block select/paste
 open Delphi and hit SHIFT-ALT and then move the arrow
keys to create quick blocks that paste line to line and
move stuff out of the way. This is the one feature all
the CPP editors seem to lack.

4) No option for sepecifying keyboard commands. Would
be nice to be able to configure the keyboard so that F9
and CTRL-F9 can do what I want and not a preset thing.
Just makes it easier because I have to work now in the
codeBlocks editor and the Delphi editor so commands get
mixed up.

5) Does codeblocks limit the amount of error messages
from GNU. Would be handy to get more error messages if
available but optionally. When you port pascal to CPP
it can be handy because there is lots of errors etc...

6) Can turn the class browser off and the thing that
looks for function parameters. If I can turn this stuff
off it will be great. Turned class browser off in the
plugins but it still gets all symbols and then shows me
hints for parameters in functions as I type. If I can
turn this off it will help because I remember all the
function params and I suspect it is just slowing the
editor down slightly.

Maybe if all syntax highlighting could be disabled as
well that could make the editor even faster. Thats just
how I think though. Syntax highlighting not always that

7) Include files. Wierd behaviour.

If I had a file called myfile.h in the project and I
include it with a path like << #include
"coderoot/inc/myfile.h" << it will not find the file
after compiling and there is an error, but if I just
say << #include "myfile.h" << it opens the file and
finds the line where the error was fine. Also when
there was a path I cannot open the file by right
clicking the filename and selecting "open this file' etc...

Also seems that some of the include lookups for some
functions like described above are case-sensitive as
well. Probably better like that but definitely not good
that it cant see the file if its got a path with it. 

8) There really needs to be a button and keyboard
shortcut to "save everything" which means "save all
files" , "save all projects" and "save workspace" all
in one go. 

9) If you hit build and then you hit it again shortly
after the whole of code::blocks can hang. There needs
to be a guard against that happening so that once you
hit it its not enabled until the build is finished or
something like this. This is the only way I know that
code::blocks crashes is when the code::blocks is
running the GNU compiler and you start hitting the
build or debug button again.

10) Cant think of anything else. Am about halfway
through porting a "javaScript library" made in delphi
to cpp. Also made a PERL5 regExp engine in code::blocks
so far. Wrote a simple pascal to cpp converter using
codeblocks just to get more used to things before I
started with the bigger stuff. Going well so far and
should have the vbScript added in as well soon. Thanks
very much.
Close date
2007-08-30 14:26
Assigned to
biplab 2007-08-30 04:30

Are you using CodeBlocks RC2??

libmir 2007-08-30 13:06

I'm using the code::blocks that was the main download from about three weeks ago.

I think it was this download link here that I got it from.


Will check version number later.

biplab 2007-08-30 14:27

Please download a latest nightly from the following link.


RC2 is more than 1.5 years old and some of the features you requested is already available in newer nightlies.

I'm closing this request.