Feature #3620 2007-08-05 16:29


The Hide tab in messages tabs

Add 'Hide' tab to the messages tabs (like in Dev-Cpp). It will minimize messages bar but it does not close it - there will be visible only tabs without its content. Add option into setup: Auto hide messages bar - on focus editor/ on text type in editor/ only on click on the hide tab (like in Netbeans)

Close date
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bughunter2 2007-08-12 00:09

If you wanted to automatically hide the messages tab, you can already do this from Environment Settings -> View ;)

pavzav 2007-08-12 22:41


1) The messages bar is hidden only if the compilation success. I would like it to hide even if I start typing. (Make an option on focus editor/ on text type in editor/ on compilation success / only manually)

2) I would like it not to hide at all but only minimize. When I resolve first error, I click on the tab to restore messages bar and read next error.

bughunter2 2007-08-12 22:59

True, I noticed your problems too afterwards when using the "hide feature".