Feature #3455 2007-06-02 18:44
J'apprcie Code Blocks, et tout d'abord je vous remercie pour cet excellent IDE. Il m'interresse d'autant plus qu'il est fourni avec wxSmith. Serait il possible d'apporter les amliorations suivantes wxSmith, je voudrais pouvoir: -passer et revenir wxSmith puis au code source, sans perdre les modification du code chaque fois. (exemples: nom de la frame, icone de la frame, wxStatusBar avec plusieurs champs) -dans wxSmith, pouvoir crer un wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL) crer des wxSplitterWindow qui s'affichent toujours sous la forme d'un rectangle rouge ou autre comme les wxBoxSizer, ainsi on les slectionne facilement crer des wxSplitterWindow horizontal et qui occupe le reste de l'espace wxGROW crer des objets aprs un wxPanel et pas uniquement l'intrieur de celui-ci voil ce que j'ai essay de raliser sans succs avec wxSmith le sujet est un client ftp wxBoxSizer Vertical wxTextCtrl (messages de connexion) ---wxSplitterWindow ---wxPanel wxBoxSizer Horizontal wxListCtrl (fichiers locaux) wxListCtrl (fichiers distants) ---End wxPanel wxListCtrl (tat des transferts) ---End wxSplitterWindow Encore toutes mes flicitations pour votre IDE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- English translation: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- I appreciate Code Blocks, and first of all I thank you for this excellent IDE. It interress me more especially as he is provided with wxSmith. It would be possible to make the following improvements to wxSmith, I would like to be able: - to pass and return to wxSmith then to the source code, without losing the modification of the code each time. (examples: name of the frame, icon of the frame, wxStatusBar with several fields) - in wxSmith, capacity to create a wxBoxSizer (wxVERTICAL) to create wxSplitterWindow which are always posted in the shape of a red or different rectangle like the wxBoxSizer, thus one easily selects them to create wxSplitterWindow horizontal and which occupies the remainder of space wxGROW to create objects after a wxPanel and not only inside this one here are what I tried to carry out without success with wxSmith the subject is a customer ftp wxBoxSizer Vertical wxTextCtrl (messages of connection) ---wxSplitterWindow ---wxPanel wxBoxSizer Horizontal wxListCtrl (local files) wxListCtrl (distant files) ---End wxPanel wxListCtrl (state of the transfers) ---End wxSplitterWindow Still all my congratulations for your IDE.
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- Open
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- byo
Change properties of widgets in widgets properties in wxsmith editor, so you won't loose the changes.
Regards raph
> - to pass and return to wxSmith then to the source > code, without losing the modification of the code each > time. (examples: name of the frame, icon of the frame, > wxStatusBar with several fields)
Some parts of source code are generated automatically, this code shoud not be changed manually because all changes will be lost. Automatically generated block of code starts with //(* commend and ends with //*) and should be changed by operating with visual editor and property browser.
> to create a wxBoxSizer (wxVERTICAL) it's possible by changing "Orientation" property in property browser
> to create wxSplitterWindow which are always posted in > the shape of a red or different rectangle like the > wxBoxSizer, thus one easily selects them Don't understand properly, could you explain it better ?
>to create wxSplitterWindow horizontal and which >occupies the remainder of space wxGROW Splitter can be changed to horizontal through property browser, wxGROW can also be set there ("Expand" property)
> to create objects after a wxPanel and not only inside > this one Try lastest nightlies, currently you select the placement of new item by mouse
Regards BYO