Feature #3413 2007-05-15 16:43


Complete AVR-GCC integration

Hi there! Might it be possible to create an build-in support for the avr-gcc Compiler? I know that is possible to to tweak a bit to get it working but that's dirty :-) I mean the integration of other libraries,... is excellent. I can't believe that the growing community of embedded device developers (AVR,ARM,MSP,...) had to make use of manual stripped makefiles and so on. I know integrating new architechtures will make troubles but it would be realy realy usefull!

Greets from a member of www.mikrocontroller.com :-)

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2007-06-01 01:14
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pauliusz 2007-05-16 14:57

Actually I have working CB with WinAVR support. I can create patch for this... I think it should work with avr-gcc(linux) also, but I haven't tested. Interested?

pauliusz 2007-05-20 16:19

Added in Patch #2016

keyla 2007-05-21 18:36

That would be cool! A lot of people are actualy looking for a good IDE that allows to use AVR-GCC or AMR-GCC.

pauliusz 2007-05-21 20:09

I was looking for the good AVR compiler also when I found CB (1 year ago). The very first thing what I did was WinAVR compiler support. I am always happy to help.

keyla 2007-05-22 07:40

Does this mean, that it is already part of the nightly build pauliusz? I would be happy to test it :-)

pauliusz 2007-05-22 11:02

Not yet...

pauliusz 2007-05-31 21:29

Already in the SVN. Will be available in the next nightly build.

ceniza 2007-06-01 01:14

This feature has been implemented in SVN. Thank you.