Feature #3036 2007-01-11 07:40


Quicker Complete code

I press ctrl-space and the list of possible code completions is shown. I choose (using up/down keys) the desired item. Then I have to press Enter and the desired item is placed to the edited document.

Enhancement: It is not necessary to press Enter. The item should be chosen after I continue writing (without pressing Enter). The item will not be chosen only if I press ESC.

In today state only Enter will choose the item, and other activity cancels the code completion. Desired state is negative: Only ESC will cancel the code completion, and other activity choose the item.

This enhancement would be helpful for faster code editing. Again, taken from Visual Studio Smile

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dermeister 2007-01-11 23:01

I know this behaviour and find it quite annoying.

I think a tradeoff should be most usefull: Select the item if either Enter, Space, '.', '-', '<', '>' or ';' are hit (maybe a few more operators). Cancel if ESC is hit. If normal writinge continues (e. g. just characters) don't select the item but confine the list according to the new character or cancel if there is no remaining match.

milanst 2007-01-20 23:11

I agree with dermeister, but i would add '(' to the list of operators acting like an Enter. [I usually find a function I want to call and hit opening bracket].