Feature #2202 2006-05-09 02:00


Enable Right-Click on Editor Tabs

Bring up the same context-sensitive menu when the user right-clicks an editor tab as when the user right-clicks the associated editor window (making the tab more an extension of the window).

This allows actions which are specific to the editor window, such as "close all others", to be selected for an editor window which is not 'on top', without first requiring a left-click on the tab, then a right click on the window.

Another way of looking at this is that it allows the user to take action on a file, selected from a list of tabs, without first concerning himself with bringing that tab to 'the top'.

Close date
2006-05-15 15:52
Assigned to
vreality 2006-05-09 02:28

Already implemented in the nightlies.

thomasdenk 2006-05-15 15:52

This feature already exists, at least in the SVN version. Thank you.